Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/320

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The last 0’ the Mmagrs.

ll. “ Wi’ haste come I ! haud fast what ye hae, see as nae man take yere croon !

12. “ He that prevails, I wull mak him a strang pillar i’ the temple 0' my God ; and oot-hy eal he gang nae mair; and I wull set upon him the name 0’ my God, and the name 0’ the citie o’ my God, New Jerusalem, she wha is to come doon oot o’ heeven free my God : and my new name.

13. “ He that has hearin lat him hear what the Spirit is sayin to the Kirks l

14. “ And to the messenger o’ the Kirk o’ Laodicea write yo 2 Thir things says the Amen, the Lea], and True Witness, the 1First 0’ the Creation 0’ God :

15. “I ken yere warks, that naither cauld nor bet ye are; I wad that ye had been aither cauld or bet!

l6. “ And sae than, for that ye are simmer-warm, and naither cauld nor yet bet, I wull spue ye oot o’ my mooth!

17. “For ye are sayin : ‘ Rich am I; and hae rowth o’ plenishin, and want nocht !’ and divna ken that ye are the waesome ane. and miserable ; and in need, and blin', and nakit.

18. “ I coonsel ye to buy frae me gowd made clear wi’ fire, that ye may be rich ; and white cleedin that ye may he weel-buskit ; and that the shame o’ yere nakitness appear-ha; and ee-sa’ to anoint yere can that ye may see.

19. “ I, as mony as I weel-lo’e, repruve and chasten ; be zealous than, and turn ye !

20. “Mark, I am staunin at the door, and chappin ; gin ony ane hearken to my voice, and unsteek the door, I wull gang in to him, and sup wi' him, and he wi’ me.

1 V. 14. No that he was the first creatit ; for he wiena creatit ; nor aiblins (in this place) that he was hissel the Creator— tho’ that is true; but raither that he is the heid o' a’ things; the First and Heigheet.



A bonnie blink o' Haven.

21. “He that prevails, I wull gie to him to tak his seat wi’ me i’ my thron ; as I e’en prevail't, and took my seat wi’ my Faither in his thron.

22. “He that has hearin, lat him hear what the Spirit is sayin to the Kirks! ”

CHAPTIR FOWR. A bonnie blink o' the Hawaii: glorie!

EFTIR thir things I airtit my can,

and lo ! a door was unsteekit in heeven ; and the first voice I heard. like a buglehorn, was speakin wi’ me, sayin, “Come ye up here, and I wull set oot afore ye what things maun come to pass here-eftir.”

2. And belyve I was i’ the Spirit ; and lo! a Thron was set in heeven ; and on the Thron Ane sittin ;

3. And he that was sittin was like to a jasper stane and a carnelian; and a rainbow was aboot the Thr0n, to look on like an emerant.

4. And roond ahoot the Thron, fowr-and-twenty throne ; and on the throne fowr-and twenty Elders sittin, cledit in robes 0' white; and on their heads croons o’ owd.

5. And act 0’ the 5[bran gaed oot fire-flauchts, and voices, and thunners, and thar war seeven fiery lamps a- lowe store the Thron, whilk are the seeven Spirits 0’ God.

6. And afore the Thron a glossy sea, like to crystal; and i' the mids o’ the Thron, and roond about the Thron, fowr leevin-anes, fu’ 0’ een afore and ahint.

7. And the first leevin-ane was like a lion; and the second leevin- ane like a cauf ; and the third leevin- ane had the face as o’ a man; and the fowrth leevin-ane was like to an eagle fleein.

8. And the fowr leevin-anes, ilk ane 0’ them, had sax wings, and war fu’ 0' can aroond and within; and rest-they-na, day not nicht, sayin. “Holie, holie, holiel Lord God Almichty, wha Was, and wha 1s, and

whar Is-to-Come ! ”