Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/321

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The Lamb opens the Built.

9. And whan the leevin-anes gie glorie, and honor, and thanksgivin to him that sits on the Thron, to him wha leaves for evir and evir,

10. The fowr-and-twenty Elders fa’ doon afore him wha sits on the Thron, and gie worship to him wha leaves for evir and evir, and cast doon their croons afore the Thron, sayin,

ll. “Wordie art thou, O Lord, e'en oor God, to receive a' glorie, and honor, and pooer; for thou did mak 11’ things ; and o’ thy wull they war, and war creatit ! ”


The Lamb that wag algin opens the sealed “I . AND I saw, on the richt been 0’ him that sat on the Thron, a buik, written within and withoot, seal’t up wi’ seeven seals.

2. And I saw a michty An el, proclaimin wi’ asoondin voice, “ ha is fit to open the Built. and to lowse its seals ’l”

3. And nae man was fit, in heeven, nor yet on the yirth, to open the buik, or e’en to look upon it.

4. And I t sair, that nae man was fund fit to open the bulk, or e’en to look ou’t.

5. And ane frae mang the Elders says tae me, “Greetns: see! the Lion o’ the tribe 0’ Judah, the Rute o’ Daurid, has prevail’t to open the buik, and the seeven seals o’t.”

6. And I saw, i’ the mids o’ the Thron, and o’ the fowr leevin-anes, and in mids o’ the Elders, a Lamb staunin, as it had been slain, haein seeven horns and seeven een, whilk are the seeven Spirits 0’ God sent oot till a’ the yirth.

7. And he cam, and has ta’en the buik eat 0’ the richt haun 0’ him that sits on the Thron.

8. And as soon as he rax’t for the buik, the iowr leevin-anes and the fowr-and-twenty Elders fell doon store the Lamb, hsein ilk a harp, and


The ma: seal».

gowden flagons fu’ o' insence, whilk are the prayers o’ saunts ;

9. And they sing a 1new sang, sayin, “ Wordie art thou, to tak the huik and to lowse its seals; for thou was slain, and has brocht us to God by thy blude, oot o’ ilka tribe, and tongue, and folk, and nation ;

10. “And did mak them a king- dom and priests to cor God; and they rule on the yirth ! ”

11. And I saw, and I heard as a voice 0’ many Angels, roond aboot the Thron, and o’ the leevin-anes, and o’ the Elders; and their number was myriads of myriads, and thoosands o’ thoosands.

12. Sayin wi’ a soondin voice, “ Wordie is the Lamb that was slain, to receive pooer, and riches, and wis- dom, and micht, and honor, and glorie, and blessin I ”

13. And ilka creatit thing that is in Heaven, and on the yirth, and aneath the yirth, and on the sea, heard I sayin, “ To him that sits on the Thron. and to the Lamb, be the blessin, and the honor, and the glorie and the pooer, for evir and aye ! ”

14. And the fowr leevinanes war sayin “ Amen !” And the Elders loutit doon and worshipped.


Sax seals lowsed : and a' that send come on the girth.

ND I saw whan the Lamb lowsed

ans 0’ the seals, and I heard ans

0’ the leevin-anes sayin in a voice 0' thunner, “Come!”

2. And I saw, and lo! a white horse, and he that was on it was haudin a bow ; and a croon was gien to him; and he gaed oot conquerin and that he soud conquer.

3. And whan he had lowsed the second seal, I heard the second leevin-ane, sayin, “ Come ! ”

4. And forth gaed anither horse. reid; and to him that sat on’t it was

1 V. 9. A new kind 0‘ sang a’thsgither : sue the word signifies.