Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/319

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Mair messages

een like a lowin fire, and his feet like brass made clear :

19. “I ken yere warks, and leal- ness, and love, and service, and yere patient tholin, and yere warks; and the end to be lmair nor the beginnin.

20. Nane-the-less, I hae this a ain ye, that ye thole that wumman, eze- bel, wha ca’s hersel a prophetess; and she wheedles my servants to commit uncleanness, and to eat eidol sacri- feeces.

21. “ And I gied her time to turn frae her nncleanness, and she re- pentit-na.

22. “ Behauld ! I wull cast her in- til a 2 bed, and thee that commit adul- tery wi’ her sal sair pyne, gin they turn-na frae her warks.

23. “ And I'se slay her hairns wi’ death ; and a’ the Kirks sal come to ken that I am he that types the in- warts and the heart; and I wull return ye—ilk ane—conform to yere warks.

24. “ But to you I say, to the lave in Thyatira, as mony haud-na this 'teachin, and ken-na ‘the deep things 0’ Sautan ’ (as they say), I lay on ye nae ither burden.

25. “But what ye hae, hand ye siccar, till sic time as I may come!

26. “ And he that prevails, and he that hands on by my warks to the end, I wull gie him pooer ower the nations ;

27. “And he sal rule them wi’ an aim sceptre, as potters’ veschels are dung in blade; as I too hae received frae my Faither.

28. “ And I wull gie him the starn o’ the dawin.

29. “ He that has hearin lat him hearken what the Spirit is saying to the Kirks ! ” r

1 V. 19. Thyntira was growin and waxin, as every Kirk and every Christian soud. But I jalouse she eitir fell awa frae the true faith, like the lava 0' them. Her lieht was sune tane awa out 0' its place.

’V. 22. A bed 0’ pain and anguish. The word is “Mine,” used either for “ bed” or “ couch."


to the Kiri“.

CHAPTIR THRIE. Coomcla and helps. Mair hope 0' the cauld; rife than (me naither het nor cauhl.

“ ND to the messenger o’ the Kirk

in Sardis write ye: Thir thin s says he wi’ the seeven Spirits 0’ G05}, and the seeven starns: I ken what ye div, and that ye hae the name 0' leevin whan ye are deid.

2. “Tak ye gude tent, and mak siccar what remain, that are ready to dee ; for I haena fund yere warks ac- complish’t i’ the sicht o’ my God.

3. “ Mind wee], than, hoo ye ob- teen’d and heard; and haud siccar, and turn. Gin ye gaird-na, I wull come as comes a thief, and in naegate sal ye ken whatna ’oor I’se come on

'e. 3 4. “ But ye has a wee wheen names in Sardis, wha haena stained their robes, and they sal walk wi’ me in white; for they are wordie.

5. “ Whasae prevails sal be huskit in white cleedin ; and in naegate wull I delete his name out o’ the Buik 0' Life: and I wull own his name afore my Faither, and afore his Angels.

6. “ He that has hearin, lat him hear what the Spirit is sayin to the Kirks !

7. “And to the messengers o’ the Kirk in Philadelphia write ye: Thir things says the Holie Ana, the True Ane, he that has the key 0’ Dauvid, he that opens and nane can steek, and steek and nanc can open :

8. “I ken yere warks (tak tent! I hae set afore ye a door unsteekit; as to whilk nane can shut it!) for ye has a wee pooer, and did keep my word, and didna disown my name.

9. “Look ! I gie them 0' Sautan’s kirk, whilk see they are Jews and are-na, but lee ; see, I wull gar them come and lout doon aiore yere feet, and ken that I has lo’ed ye.

10. “ For that ye did keep the word 0’ my patience, I sal e’en keep ye oot o’ the ’oor 0’ trial, whilk is coming on the hail warld, to test them dwallin on the yirth.