Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/318

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The messages

18. “ And the Leevin-Ane; and I was deid, and behauld! leevin am I for evir and aye, and I has the keys 0’ death and the pit.

l9. “ Set doon, than, the things ye saw, and the things that are, and the things that are sune to come eftir thir present things.

20. “ The secret o’ the seeven stems that ye saw on my richt haun, and the seeven lamp-bearers o’ gowd : the seeven starne are the messengers o’ the Seeven Kirks ; and the seeven lamp-bearers are the Seeven Kirks.”


The message to the Kirks. And talc ye tent that a’ that could be said gude 0’ them is said, afore any faut is fund am" what was wrung.

T0 the messenger o’ the Kirk in

Ephesus write : Thir things quo' he wha siccar hands the seeven stems in his richt haun, he that gangs amid the seeven gowden lamp- hearers:

2. “I ken yere warks, and strivin, and yere patience; and that ye canna thole ill men; and did test them ca’in theirsels ‘Apostles,’ and nre-na, and faund them leears ;

3. “And has striven, and for my name did thole, and hasna gien ower.

4. “ Nane-the-less, I has this again ye, that ye has turned awa frae yere first love.

5. “Brin ye to mind, than, frae whaur ye has faun ; and turn 0, and div ye yere first warks ; or 'se come t’ye, and wull tak awa yere lamp-bearer act 0’ its place—gin ye turn-na.

6. “ But this ye has, that ye scunner at the warks o’ the Nicolai- tanes, e’en whilk I scnnner at.

7. " Wha has hearin, let him hear what the Spirit is sayin to the Kirks I To him wha prevails, I wull gie to him to eat 0’ the tree 0’ Life, whilk is in the Paradise 0’ God.

8. “And to the messenger o’ the Kirk in Smyrna write: Thir things



to the Kirk.

says the First and the Last, wha was deid, and is leevin:

9. “I ken yere warks, and doc], and‘ poortith (but rich are ye l), and the mieca’in o’ thae that ca’ theirsels Jews, and arena, but are a kirk o' Sautan.

10. “Be-na~fley’t as to whatna thin ye are to dree. And look! the finemy is shoot to cast some 0’ ye intil thrall, that ye may be testit ; and ye’se hae dool ten days. Be ye leal to death, and I wull gie ye the croon 0’ Life !

11. “Wha has hearin, lat him hear what the Spirit says to the Kirksl He that prevails, ea] in naegate be skaithed o’ the second death.

12. “And to the messenger o the Kirk in Pergamum write: Thir things says he wha has the keen twa- mooth’d sword,

13. “I ken whaur ye dwall, e’en whaur Sautan has his thron; and that ye haud siccar my name. and that ye didna disown my faith, e’en i’ the days 0’ Antipas, my leal ane, wha was slain amang ye, whaur Sautan hides.

14. “But I hae again ye a wheen things : that ye hae thar sic as hand siccar the teachin o’ Balaam, wha airtit Balak to set a snare afore the children 0’ Isra’l, to eat 0’ eidol~ sacrifeeces, and commit uncleanness.

15. “Sae has ye thae as haud siccar the teashins o’ the Nicolaitanes, in siclike mainner.

16. “Turn ye than; but if no, I am comin to ye wi’ speed, and wull war again them wi’ the sword o’ my month.

17. “Wha has hearin, lat him hear, what the Spirit is sayin to the Kirksl To him that prevails, wall I gie 0’ the secret man; and well gie him a white stane, and on the stane a new name inscriv’t, that nae ane kens snvin he that gets it.

18. “ And to the messenger o’ the Kirk in Thyatira write: Thir things

says the Son 0’ God, he wha has his