Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/945

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. moyens ou lourds, tels qu'ils sont Ante, p.211 . d6finis A Particle 166, sont portes en compte respectivement pour les poids moyens de 3, 12 ou 24 kilogrammes. 2.- Le poids des d6epches closes est multipli6 par 26 ou 13, selon le cas, etle produit sert de base a des comptes particuliers etablissant en francs les sommes annuelles reve- nant Achaque Administration. Dans le cas ou le multiplicateur 26 on 13 ne r6pond pas au trafic normal, les Administrations in- teressees s'entendent pour ladop- tion d'un autre multiplicateur qui vaut pendant les ann6es aux- quelles s'applique la statistique. Le soin de dresser les comptes incombe A l'Administration cre- anciere qui les transmet A l'Ad- ministration debitrice. 3.- A fin de tenir compte du poids des sacs et de l'emballage ainsi que des categories de cor- respondances exemptes de tous frais de transit en conformite des Ante, p. 2089. dispositions de Particle 76 de la Convention, le montant total du compte des d6peches closes est r6duit de 10%. 4.- Les comptes particulierf sent dresses en double expedition Post, pp. 2218 ,2215. sur formule conforme au model< C 24 ci-annex6, et d'apres les relevds C 21. Ils sent transmin Al'Administration exp6ditrice aus. sit6t que possible et, au plus tard, dans un d6lai de dix moii suivant l'expiration de la period& de statistique, accompagnes deo releves C 21 y relatifs. 5.- Si l'Administration qui i envoy6 le compte particulier n't requ aucune observation recti ficative dans un intervalle d< quatre mois A compter de l'envoi ce compte est consider6 comma admis de plein droit. ARTICLE 174. heavy sacks, as defined by Article 166, are considered as having their average weights of 3, 12 or 24 kilograms respectively. 2. The weight of the closed mails is multiplied by 26 or 13, as the case may be, and the prod- uct serves as the basis for individ- ual accounts showing, in francs, the annual payments due to each Administration. In case that the multiplier 26 or 13 does not correspond to the normal traffic, the Administra- tions concerned come to an agree- ment for the adoption of another multiplier which holds good dur- ing the years to which the statis- tics apply. The duty of making up the accounts is incumbent upon the creditor Administration, which transmits them to the debtor Administration. 3. In order to take account of the weight of the sacks and pack- ing, as well as of the classes of correspondence exempt from all transit charges in accordance with the provisions of Article 76 of the Convention, the total amount of t the account for closed mails is re- duced by 10 per cent. s 4. The individual accounts are , made up in duplicate on forms e agreeing with Model C 24 hereto appended, on the basis of the s statements C 21. They are sent -to the dispatching Administration s as soon as possible, and at the lat- 3 est within a period of ten months e following the expiration of the 8 statistical period, accompanied by the relative statements C 21. L 5. If the Administration which r has sent the individual account - has not received any corrective e observation within an interval of , four months, counting from the 3 date of transmission, that account is considered as automatically accepted. ARTICLE 174 Decompte general annuel. Inter- General annual account. Interven- vention du Bureau international. tion of the InternationalBureau oenera amnal a- 1. -- Sauf entente contraire entre 1. Barring contrary agreement oCMt. les Administrations interess6es, le between the Administrations con- 2166