Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/944

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54 STAT.] UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-MAY 23, 1939 d'6change d'entr6e et de sortie, A l'exclusion de tout autre bureau interm6diaire, consignent sur le bulletin les renseignements con- cernant le transit effectue par eux. Le dernier bureau d'6change inter- m6diaire transmet le bulletin C 23 au bureau de destination. Le bulletin est renvoy6 ensuite par ce bureau au bureau d'origine l'appui du relev6 C 21. Lorsqu'un bulle- tin de transit dont l'expedition a et0 demandee ou est annoncee en tote de la feuille d'avis fait d6faut, le bureau de destination est tenu de le r6clamer sans aucun retard. ARTICLE 171. exchange offices of entry and de- parture, to the exclusion of all other intermediate offices, enter on the bulletin the information concerning the transit effected by them. The last intermediate ex- change office sends the bulletin C 23 to the office of destination. The bulletin is then returned by that office to the office of origin in support of the Form C 21. When a transit bulletin whose issuance was requested or is announced at the head of the letter bill is miss- ing, the office of destination is bound to make inquiry about it without any delay. ARTICLE 171 Derogations aux articles 166, 167 Exceptions to Articles 166, 167, et 170. and 170 Chaque pays a la faculte de notifier aux autres pays, par I'intermediaire du Bureau inter- national, que lee bulletins de verification modele C 20, les releves modle C 21 et les bulletins de transit modele C 23 doivent etre adresses a son Administration centrale. Cette derniere est, dans ce cas, substitute aux bureaux d'echange pour l'etablissement des releves C 21 conformement aux prescriptionsde I'article 167, § 2. ARTICLE 172. Services extraordinaires. Ind6pendamment des transports aeriens, sont seuls consid6res comme services extraordinaires donnant lieu a des frais de transit sp6ciaux, le service entretenu pour le transport territorial accel6r6 de la Malle dite des Indes et les services sp6ciaux automobiles Pa- lestine ou Syrie-Iraq. CHAPITRE II. COMPTABILITf. RtGLEMENT DES COMPTES. ARTICLE 173. Compte des frais de transit. Each country has the option of notifying the other countries, through the i o the intermediary of the InternationalBureau, that the bul- letins of verification, Form C 20, the statements, Form C 21, and the transit bulletins, Form C 23, are to be addressed to its central Administration. The latter, in that case, takes the place of the exchange offices for the preparation of the statements C 21 in conformity with the pro- visions of Article 167, Section 2. ARTICLE 172 Extraordinary services Apart from transportation by air mail, the service maintained for the accelerated land convey- ance of the so-called India Mail, and the special motor services from Palestine or Syria to Iraq, are alone considered as extraor- dinary services giving rise to special transit charges. CHAPTER II ACCOUNTING. ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS ARTICLE 173 Transit-chargeaccount 1. -Pour l'6tablissement des 1. For the preparation of transit comptes de transit, les sacs legers, accounts, the light, medium or Tranait-dme ac- count. 2165 Po, p. 2217 . Post, p. 2215 . Designated excep- tions. Pos, pp. 2214, 2215, 2217. Extraordloary serv. Ices.