Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/946

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54 STAT.] UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-MAY 23, 1939 decompte general comprenant les frais de transit est 6tabli annuelle- ment par le Bureau international. 2.- Aussit6t que les comptes particuliers entre deux Adminis- trations sont approuves ou con- sideres comnme admis de plein droit (article 173, § 5), chacune de ces Administrations transmet sans retard, au Bureau interna- tional, un relev6 conforme au modele C 25 ci-annex6 et indi- quant les montants totaux de ces comptes. En meme temps, une copie du releve est adressee A I'Administration interessee. Lors de la r6ception d'un relev6 ema- nant d'une Administration, le Bureau international en avertit l'autre Administration interessee. Dans le solde, il est fait abandon des centimes. En cas de differences entre les indications correspondantes four- nies par deux Administrations, le Bureau international les invite a se mettre d'accord et Alui indiquer les sommes d6finitivement arre- tees. Lorsqu'une Administration seu- lement a fourni le relev6 C 25, les indications de cette Administra- tion font foi, a moins que le relev6 correspondant de l'Ad- ministration retardataire ne par- vienne au Bureau international en temps opportun pour l'eta- blissement du prochain d6compte gen6ral annuel. Dans le cas prevu a l'article 173, § 5, les releves doivent porter la mention ,Aucune observation de l'Administration d6bitrice n'est parvenue dans le delai regle- mentaire». Si deux Administrations se met- tent d'accord pour faire un regle- ment special, leurs releves C 25 portent la mention ,Compteregle A part - A titre d'information, et ne sont pas compris dans le decompte general annuel. 3. -Le Bureau international 6tablit, a la fin de chaque ann6e, sur la base des releves qui lui sont 193470°-41 -PT. --- 59 cerned, the general account cover- ing transit charges is made up annually by the International Bureau. 2. As soon as the individual ac- counts between two Administra- tions are approved or considered as automatically accepted (Article 173, Section 5), each of those Ad- ministrations transmits without delay, to the International Bureau an account conforming to Model C 25 hereto appended and indi- cating the total amounts of those accounts. At the same time, a copy of the account is addressed to the Administration concerned. Upon receipt of an account coming from one Administration, the In- ternational Bureau so advises the other Administration concerned. Centimes are ignored in the bal- ances. In case of difference between the corresponding items furnished by two Administrations, the In- ternational Bureau invites them to come to an agreement and to communicate to it the sums defi- nitely arrived at. When only one of the Adminis- trations has furnished the Form C 25, the amounts indicated by that Administration hold good, unless the corresponding state- ment is received by the Interna- tional Bureau from the Adminis- tration in arrears in time for the preparation of the next general annual account. In the case provided for by Ar- ticle 173, Section 5, the accounts shall bear the note: Aucune ob- servation de I'Administration debi- trice n'est parvenue dans le ddai reglementaire (No observation re- ceived from the debtor Adminis- tration within the prescribed pe- riod). If two Administrations agree to make a special settlement, their Forms C 25 bear the note: Compte rHgle c part-d titre d'infornation (Account settled separately-for purposes of information); and are not included in the general annual account. 3. The International Bureau makes up, at the end of each year, on the basis of the forms which 2167 Transmission. Port, p . 2219. Pot, p. 2219.