Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/943

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. . Sacs vides», «Correspondances exemptes*. ARTICLE 169. Depeches closes echang6es avec des bAtiments de guerre. Closed mails ex- n incombe aux Administrations ged with war- des pays dont relevent des bati- ments de guerre de dresser les Prt,p. 2215 . relev6s C 21 relatifs aux d6p$ches expediees on revues par ces bAti- ments. Les depches expedites, pendant la periode de statistique, a l'adresse des batiments de guerre doivent porter, sur des etiquettes, la date d'expedition. Dans le cas ot ces depeches sont r6exp&diees, l'Administration r6- expeditrice en informe I'Adminis- tration du pays dont le bAtiment releve. ARTICLE 170. Bulletin de transit. such as: Sacs vides (empty sacks), Correspondances exemptes (corre- spondence exempt from transit charges). ARTICLE 169 Closed mails exchanged with warships It is incumbent upon the Ad- ministrations of countries to which warships belong to make up the Forms C 21 relative to the mails dispatched or received by those vessels. Mails dis- patched during the statistical period destined for warships shall bear, on labels, the date of dis- patch. In case that such dispatches are forwarded, the forwarding Ad- ministration so advises the Ad- ministration of the country to which the vessel belongs. ARTICLE 170 Transit bulletin 1. - Lorsque la route Asuivre et les services de transport Autiliser pour les depeches exp6diees pen- dant la p6riode de statistique sont inconnus ou incertains, l'Adminis- tration d'origine doit, A la de- mande de l'Administration des- tinataire, preparer pour chaque depeche un bulletin de couleur verte conforme au modele C 23 ci-annexe. L'Administration d'ori- gine peut 6galement expedier ce bulletin sans une demande formelle de l'Administration destinataire, si les circonstances paraissent l'exiger. Les feuilles d'avis des depeches qui donnent lieu a l'etablissement dudit bulletin doivent etre reve- tues, en tete, de lannotation tres apparente ,Bulletin de transit*. La mgme mention soulignee au crayon rouge est portee sur les etiquettes speciales aStatistique* dont il est question AParticle 165. 2. -Le bulletin de transit doit Atre transmis A ddeouvert avec les depeches auxquelles il se rapporte, aux differents services qui partici- pent A leur transport. Dans chaque pays interess6, les bureaux 1. When the route to be followed and the transportation services to be utilized for mails dispatched during the statistical period are unknown or uncertain, the Ad- ministration of origin shall, at the request of the Administration of destination, prepare for each dis- patch a bulletin, green in color, conforming to Model C 23 hereto appended. The Administration of origin may also send such bul- letin without a formal request from the Administration of des- tination, if circumstances appear to require it. The letter bills of the dispatches which give rise to the preparation of the said bulletin shall be marked at the head with the conspicuous notation: Bulletin de transit (transit bulletin). The same notation, underlined in red pencil, is entered on the special Statistique (statistical) labels men- tioned in Article 165. 2. The transit bulletin shall be sent in open mail, together with the dispatches to which it relates, to the different services which par- ticipate in their transportation. In each country concerned, the Transit bulletin. Post, p. 2217. Sending, etc., ofbul- letin.