Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/320

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1926 POSTAL CO~VEXTIOX-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. ARTfcULO 4 Tarija POIItap rates of do- LtrifdI ...te' d mestic service to IO v• aa aeservlclomnore ern. cada pais regira en las relaciones de los paises que constituyen la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espana, excepto cuando dicha Eueption. tama interna sea superior a la que sa aplique a la correspondencia destinada a los paises de la Uni6n Postal Universal, en cuyo caso regir~ esta Ultima. ARTiCULO 5 Objetos de correspondencia ~= f! = Las disposiciones de este Con- applicable. venio se aplicaran a las cartas, Insured art!cles. tarjetas postales sencillas y con respuesta pagada, impresos de todas clases, papeles de negocios, muestras sin valor, pequeiios pa- quetes y valores declarados. Sin embargo, los serncios de peque- fios paquetes y valores declarados quedan limitados a los paises que convengan en ejecutarlos, ya sea en sus relaciones reciprocas, ya sea en una sola direcci6n. ARTICULO 6 Corre.~pondenci6, certificada. -Res- pOMabilUlad Registered COrTe· 1. tos 0 bl' ('tos des10'T\ados en el spondence; fee. 6f:>~ articulo 5 podran ser expedidos con el caracter de certificados, mediante el pago de un derecho igual al que la Administraci6n de origen haya establecido en su servicio. Respoasibllity. 2. Salvo en los casos de fuerza mayor, las Administraciones con- tratantes seran responsables de la perdida de todo objeto certificado. Indemnity right of El remitente tendra. derecho a una Bender. indemnizaci6n que no podra. exce- der en ning11n caso de tres d61ares o su equivalencia en francos oro. Prohibited articles. 3. No obstante, las Adminis- traciones estarlm relevadas de res- ponsabilidad por la perdida de un objeto certificado cuyo contenido caiQ'a bajo el regimen de las rrohi- Pwt. p. 1l12li. b' Ii' • d t( lClones menClona as por e ar 1- culo 11 del presente Convenio, 0 Que este prohibido por las leyes 0 ARTICLE 4 Postage rates The postage rates of the domes- tic service of each country will govern in the relations of the countries which constitute the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, except when said domestic postage rates are higher than those applicable to the cor.-e spondence destined for the countries of the Universal Postal Union, in which case the latter will govern. ARTICLE 5 Articles of correspondence The provisions of this Conven- tion shall apply to lette1"8, single and reply post cards, prints of an kinds, commercial papers, sam- ples without value, small packets and insured articles. N everthe- l~, the services of small packets and insured articles are limited to the countries which agree to execute them, either in their reciprocal relations or in one direction only. ARTICLE 6 Registered corre~p'~nce-Re­ spon8'Lbiluy 1. The articles designated in Article 5, may be sent under reg- i3tration upon payment of a fee equal to that which the Admin- istration of origin has established in its service. 2. Save in cases of force ma- jeure, the contracting Adminis- trations will be res:ponsible for the loss of every registered article. The sender will have the right to an indemnity which shall not in any case exceed three dollars or its equivalent in gold francs. 3. Nevertheless, the Adminis- trations will be relieved of re- sponsibility for the loss of a regis- tered article whose contents fall under the prohibitions mentioned in Article 11 of the present Con- vention, or which are prohibited by the laws and regulatIOns of the