Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/321

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POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. 1927 reglamentos del pais de origen 0 de destino, siempre <Iue dicho pais haya dado el debido conocimiento por la via usual. 4. Se establece, con car6.cter facultativo, una categorla especial de certificados sin derecho a in- demnizaci6n, aplicable a loslibros, peri6dicos y demas impre80s, pa- peles de negocios y muestras sin valor, mediante el p~o, ademas de los portes ordinanos, de un derecho redueido, cuya cuantia fij aran las Administraciones in- teresadas. Sin embargo, las Ad- ministraciones que adopten esta nueva modalidad de certificados, podran aplicarla en la misma ex- tensi6n en que la tengan estable- cida para su servicio interno. ARTICULO 7 Franqueo obligatorio 1. Se declara obligatorio el franqueo completo de toda clase de correspondencia, incluso los paquetes cerrados, a excepci6n de las cartas en su forma usual y ordi- naria, a las cuales se les dara. curso siempre que lIeven, por 10 menos, el franqueo correspondiente a un porte sencillo. 2. Los demas objetos no fran- cos 0 insuficientemente franquea- dos, quedaran detenidos en la ofi- cina de origen, que procedera con elIos en la forma que determine su legislaci6n interna. 3. Por las cartas insuficiente- mente franq'leadas s610 se cobrara. del destinatario la diferencia de porte no pagado por el remitente. ARTICULO 8 Peso y dimensiones Los llmites de peso y dimen- siones de los diversos objetos de correspondencia se ajustaran a ]0 preceptuado para los mismos en el Convenio vigente de la Uni6n Postal Universal, a excepci6n de los impresos, que cuando sean acondicionados en paquetes, po- dran pesar hasta cuatro kilogra- mos, aumenttindose tal limite a cinco kilogramos cuando se trate de obras en un solo volumen. country of origin or of destination, provided that said country has given due notice by the usual means. 4. There is established, as oJ>- re:= cate&a'J 01 tional, a special category of regIs- . ters without the right to indem- nity, applicable to books, period- icals and other prints, commercial papers, and samples without value, subject to payment, in addition to the ordiIiary postage, of a reduced fee whose amount Reduced fee. shall be fixed by the Administra- tions concerned. Nevertheless, Application. the Administrations which adopt this new type of registers, may apply it to the same extent to which they have established it in their domestic service. ARTICLE 7 Obligatory prepayment 1. The complete prepayment ~payment obUp- of all classes of correspondence is . declared obligatory, including sealed packages, with the excep- tion of letters in their usual and ordinary form, which will be forwarded whenever they bear at least the postage corresponding to a single weight-unit. 2. Other articles not prepaid or OrlTarmstroBot (talk)dOfflce of insufficiently prepaid will be held . at the office of origin, which will proceed with them in the manner Disposition. determined by its domestic legis- lation. 3. For insufficiently prepaid let- d~ce from ad· ters, only the difference in postage . not paid by the sender Will be collected from the addressee. ARTICLE 8 ·Weight arul dimensions The limits of weiuht and d'- . Weight and dimen- ~ I SlOns. mensions of the VarIOUS articles of correspondence will conform to those fixed for the same by the Universal Postal Convention in Vol. 46, p. 2M1. force, with the exception of prints, which, when they constitute a package, may weIgh up to four kilograms, such limit being in- creased to five kilograms in the case of a single volume.