Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/319

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POSTAL CONVENTIO:Y-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. 1925 ARTfcULO 2 Unionu rutringidas 1. Los paises contratantes, ya sea por su situaci6n limftrofe, ya sea por la intensidad de sus rela- ciones postales, podran establecer entre s1 uniones mis estrechas, con el fin de reducir tarifas 0 in- troducir otras mejoras sobre cual- quiera de los servicios a que Be refiere el presente Convenio 0 los Acuerdos especiales celebrados por este Congreso. 2. Asimismo, y en 10 que con- cieme a asuntos no previstos en el presente Convenio 0 en el de la Uni6n Postal Universal, los pafses signatarios podran adoptar entre s1 las resoluciones ~ue estimen precisas, por medio de correspon- dencia 0, si fuera necesari0.r ajus- tando un Acuerdo especial, de con- formidad con la autorizaci6n que les confiere el presente art1culo 0 con su Iegislaci6n intema. ARTiCULO 3 Trdnsito libre y grat'Uito 1. La gratuidad del transito territorial, fluvial y marltimo es absoluta en el territorio de la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espana; en consecuencia, los pai- ses que Ia integran se obligan a transportar a traves de sus terri- torios y a ccnducir en los buques de su matrlcula 0 bandera que utilicen en el transporte de su pro- pia correspondencia, sin recargo alguno para los pafses contra- tantes, toda la que estos expidan con cualquier destino. 2. En los casos de reencamina- miento, los paises contratantes se comprometen areexpedir la corres- pondenciapor las vias y conduc- tos que utilicen para sus propios envios. ARTICLE 2 Re8tricted Unions 1 The contracting countries Cioler tm10aa for 1m. wh~ther on account of their ad~ provement. jacent location or on account of the intensity of their postal rela- tions, may establish closer unions among themselves, with a view to the reduction of rates or the introduction of other improve- ments in any of the services re- ferred to in the present Conven- tion or in the special Agreements concluded by this Congress. 2. Likewise, concerning mat- t~ =::sm~ ters not provided for in the ence. present Convention, or in that of the Universal Postal Union, the signatory countries may adopt among themselves SUM resolu- tions as they may deem necess&l1.: through correspondence, or, if necessary, by establishing a spe- cial Agreement in accordance with the authorization conferred upon them by the present Article or by their domestic legislation. ARTIcLE 3 Free and grat'Uit0'U8 transit 1. The fatuitv of territorial .0J '!ltuitoua transit .al l'. . • .' W Ithin terr1torT. fluVl an mantime tranSIt IS absolute in the territory of the Postal Union <If the Americas and Spain; consequently, the countries Conveyance oblip. which form it obligate themselves tory. to transport across their territories and to convey by the ships of their registry or Hag which they utilize for the transportation of their own correspondence, without any cha~e whatsoever to the con- tracting countries, all that which the latter may send to any destination. 2. In cases of reforwarding, the ReforwardiDg. contracting countries are bound to reforward the correspondence by the ways and means which they utilize for their own dis- patches.