Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/318

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1924 POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. Nov~l!I~ ~!93~ Postal Oonvention between the Americas and Spain. Signed at Madrid, November 10,1931; approved by the President, February 9, 1932. POfItaI Union of tbe Americas and Spain. UNION POSTAL DE LAS AM~RICAS Y ESPARA CONVENIO celebrado entre: POSTAL UNION OF THE AMERICAS AND SPAIN Contractin& Powers. Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Cana- da, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Dominicana, Ecuador, EI Salvador, EspaDa, Estados Unidos de America, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nica- ragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay y Venezuela. CONVENTION 1 concluded between i\mentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cana- da, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salva- dor, Spain, the United States of America, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras.z. .. Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, .l'araguay, Peru, Uru- guay and Venezuela. Vol. 48 , p. 2529. Single postal terri· tory .anstituted. Los infrascritos, Plenipotencia- rios de los Gobiemos de los pa.fses arriba enumerados, reunidos en Congreso, en Madrid, haciendo uso del derecho que les concede el articulo 5 del Convenio vigente de la Union Postal Universal, e in- spir§.ndose en el deseo de extender y perfeccionar sus relaciones pos- tales y de establecer una solidari- dad de accion capaz de represen- tar eficazmente en los Congresos Postales Universales sus intereses comunes en 10 que se refiere a las comunicaciones por Correo, han convenido en celebrar, bf!.jo reser- va de ratificacion, el Convenio siguiente: ARTICULO 1 The undersigned, Plenipotenti- aries of the Governments of the countries above enumerated, as- sembled in Congress in Madrid, making use of the right granted them by Article 5 of the Conven- tion of the Universal Postal Union in force and inspired by the desire to extend and perfect their postal relations and establish 8 solidarity of action capable of representing effectively in the Universal Postal Congresses their common interests in regard to communications by mail, have agreed to conclude, subject to ratification, the follow· ing Convention: ARTICLE 1 UniOn Postal de las Ameriws y Postal Union of t~ Americas and Espafia Spam Los paises contratantes, de acuerdo con la precedente declara- cion, constituyen, bajo la denomi- naci6n de Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espana, un solo terri- torio postal. I English translation by Post Office Department. The contracting countries, in accordance with the foregoing declaration, constitute, under the name of Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, 8 single postal territory.