Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/204

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1810 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV. 6, 1925. renseignements speciaux dont ils pourraient avoir besoin. I.e Di- n~~ to be {ur- recteur du Bureau international fait sur sa gestion un rapport an- nuel qui est communique A tous les pays de 1'Union. Expenses. Les depenses du Bureau inter- national seront supportees en commun par les pays contrac- tants. Jusqu' A nouvel ordre, eUes ne pourront pas ~~liasser Ia somme de cent vingt . e francs suisses par annOO. Cette somme pourra augmentee, au besoin, par decision unanime d 'une des Conferences prevues Al 'article 14. Quota to be deter· Pour determiner Ia part contri- mined. butive de chacun des pays dans cette somme totale des frais, Ies pays contractants et ceux qui ad- hereront ulterieurement AI 'Union sont divises en six classes, con- tribuant chacune dans la propor- tion d 'un certain nombre d 'umtes, savoir: 1r8 classe 25 unites 28 " 20" 38 " 15" 4e " 10" 5e " 5" 68 " 3" Ces coefficients sont multiplies par Ie nombre de pays de chaque classe, et la somme des produits ainsi obtenus fournit Ie nombre d'unites par lequel la depense totale doit etre divisoo. I .e quo- tient donne Ie montant de I'unite de depense. Chacun des pays contractants designera, au moment de son accession, la classe dans Ia quelle il desire ~tre range. Supen-Ision of el. Le Gouvernement de la Con- penses, etc. federation suisse surveille les de- penses du Bureau international, fait les avances necessaires et etablit Ie compte annuel qui sera communique A toutes les autres Administrations. ARTICLE 14 Revisionaauthorized. La presente Convention sera soumise A des revisions perio- diques, en vue d'y introduire les ameliorations de nature A perfec- tionner Ie systeme de l'Union. international system of industrial property. The Director of the International Bureau will furnish an annual report on its working, which shall be communicated to all the members of the Union. The expenses of the Interna- tional Bureau will be borne by the contracting countries in common. Unless fresh sanction is given, they must not exceed the sum of 120,000 Swiss francs per annum. This sum may be increased in cases of necessity by a unani- mous decision of one of the con- ferences provided for by article 14. To determine the part which each country should contribute to this total of expenses the con- tracting countries and those which may afterwards join the Union shall be divided mto six classes, each contributing in the propor- tion of a certain number of units, namely: First class ____ 25 units Second" ____ 20 " Third " ____ 15" Fourth" __ __ 10" Fifth " __ __ 5" Sixth " ____ 3" These coefficients will be multi- plied by the number of countries m each class, and the sum of the result thus obtained will supply the number of units by which the total expense has to be divided. The quotient will give the amount of the unit of expense. Each of the contracting coun- tries will desigliate, at the time of its accession, the class in which it wishes to be placed. The Government of the Swiss Confederation is to superintend the expenses of the International Bureau, to advance the necessary funds, and to render an annual account which will be communi- cated to all the other Administra- tions. ARTICLE 14. The present convention shall be submitted to periodical re- visions with a view to the intro- duction of amendments calcu- lated to improve the system of the Union.