Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/203

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INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV. 6, 1925. 180~ ARTICLE 12. Chacun des pays contractants s'e~age A etablir un service SpecIal de la propriete industrielle et un dep6t central pour la com- munication au public des brevets d'invention, des modMes d'utilite, des dessins ou modMes industriels et de marques de fabrique ou de commerce. Ce service publiera une feuille periodique officielle. ARTICLE 13. L 'Office international institue A Berne sous Ie nom de Bureau in- ternational pour la ,Protection de la propriete industnelle est place sous la haute autorite du Gou- vernement de la Confederation suisse, qui en regIe I 'organisation et en surveille Ie fonctionnement. La langue officielle du Bureau international est la langue fran- 9aise. Le Bureau international cen- tralise les renseignements de toute nature relatifs A la protection de la propriete industrielle, il les reunit et les pUblie. n proOOde aux etudes d 'utilite commune in- teressant I 'Union et remge, A I 'aide des documents qui 80nt mis a. sa disposition par les diverses Administrations, une feuille perio- dique/ en langue fran9aise sur les qUestIOns concernant I 'objet de I 'Union. Les numeros de 'cette feuille, de m~me que tous les documents publies par Ie Bureau interna- tional, sont repartis entre les Administration des pays de I 'Union dans la proportion du nombre des unites contributives ci-dessous mentionnees. Les ex- emplaires et documents supple- mentaires qui seraient reclames, soit par lesdites Administrations, 80it par des societas ou des parti- cullers, seront payes A part. La Bureau international doit sa tenir en tout temps A la dis- position des pays de I 'Union, pour leur fournir, sur les qUe8tions relatives au service international de la Propriete industrielle, les ARTICLE 12. Each of the contracting coun- Industrial property tries agrees to establish a special aervlce. Government service for industrial property, and a central office for commumcation to the ,Public of patents, utility models, mdustrial designs or models, and trade- marks. This service shall publish an Official periodical. official periodical paper. ARTICLE 13. The international office estab- International Bureau lished at Berne under the ~ame of at Berne. International Bureau for the Pro- tection of Industrial Property, is placed under the high authority of the Government of the Swiss Con- federation, which is to regulate its organization and supervise its working. The officiallangu~e of the In- Oftlclallanguage. ternational Bureau IS French. The International Bureau cen- Functions. tralizes information of every kind relating to the protection of indus- trial property and collates and publishes it. It interests itself in all matters of common utility to the Union and edits, with the help of documents supplied to it by the various Administrations, a period- ical paper in the French language, dealin~ with questions regarding the object of the Union. , etc. The numbers of this pa~er as Clrcu1atlonofpapers, well as the documents pu lished b, the International Bureau, are CIrculated among the Admjnjstra- tions of the countries of the Union in the pro}>Ortion of the number of contributmg units as mentioned below. Suchfurthercopiesasmay be desired, either by the said Ad- ministrations or by societies or private persons, will be paid for separately. The International Bureau shall Availability. at all times hold itself at the serv- ice of members of the Union, in order to supply them with any special information they may need on questions relating to the