Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/205

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INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV. 6,1925. 1811 A cet effet, des Conferences au- ront lieu, successivement, dans I'un des pays contractants entre les DeIegues desdits pays. L'Administration du pays ou Qoit sieger la Conference _prepa- rera, avec Ie concours du Bureau international, les travaux de cette Conference. Le Directeur du Bureau inter- national assistera aux seances des Conferences, et prendra part aux discussions sans voix deliberative. ARTICLE 15. n est entendu que les pays con- tractants se reservent respective- ment Ie droit de prendre separ6- ment, entre eux, des arrange- ments particuliers ~ur la protec- tion de la propriete mdustrielle, en tant que ces arrangements ne con- treviendraient point aux disposi- tions de la presente Convention. ARTICLE 16. Les pays qui n'ont point pris part Ala presente Convention se- ront admis Ay adherer sur leur de- mande. Cette adhesion sera notifiee par la voie diplomatique au Gouverne- ment de la Confederation suisse et par celui-ci A tous les autres. Elle emportera, de plein droit, accession A toutes les clauses et admission A tous les avantages stipules par la presente Conven- tion, et produira ses effets un mois apr~ l'envoi de la notification f&ite par Ie Gouvernement de la Confederation suisse aux autres pays unionistes, A moins qu'une date posMrieure n'ait eM indiquee par Ie pays adherent. ARTICLE 16blll• Les pays contracta.ats ont Ie droit d'acceder en tout temps ala presente Convention pour leurs colomes, possessions, dependances For this purpose, conferences shall be held successively in one of the contracting countries ~ tween the delegates of the said countries. The Administration of the country in which the conference is to be held will make prepara- tion for the transaction of that conference, with the assistance of the International Bureau. The Director of the Intema- Attendance or Direc- tional Bureau will be present at tor. the meetings of the conferences, and will take part in the discus- sions, but without the privilege of voting. ARTICLE 15. o It is agr~ that the. contract- ~re!:rved~P. mg countnes respectively re- serve to themselves the right to make separately, as between themselves, speCIal arrangements for the protection of industrial property, in so far as such ar- rangements do not contravene the privisions of the present con- vention. ARTICLE 16. Th t. hihh t Adhesion or nonpar eCOW?-nesw c ave no tlcipatinc countries. • taken part In the present conven- tion shall be pennitted to adhere to it upon their request. The accession shall be notified through the diplomatic channel to the Government of the Swiss Confederation, and by the latter to all the other Governments. It shall entail, as a matter of right, accession to all the classes, as well as admission to all the ad- vantages, sti'pulated in the pres- ent· convention, and shall take effect one month after the dis- patch of the notification by the Government of the Swiss Confed- eration to the other countries of the Union, unless a subsequent date has been indicated by the acceding country. ARTICLE 16 BIB. The contractins. countries have AOOIIIISiOIl otcoloniel, the right of accedinf,' to the pres- ew. ent convention at any time on behalf of t.heir colonies, posses-