Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/239

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SJl88. I . ClI. 740. 1928. 1915 The name of SU8&Ill1ah,M. SeottJ widow of Darid· W . Scott; late 8UMDDah)4. 8eoU. of Company G, One hundred and nrst Regiment IndiaD.a Vol~r Infantry, and pay her a ~on~.t the rate of$tSO per month ialieu of that fihe '-is no'" reoelflng. The naDie·· of Elimabeth· Adame, widow of Je&1I8 Adams. Jaie of lWIabetb AdamI. Company I, Tw~tr..eeeondBegiment Kentucky. -VolUIdlea' 1ntaa~, and pay her a' ~on at the rate of $60 per month in liN of that she is DOW ~lvifig; The name of ~. J. Brown, widow of Charles W. :Brown, alias KM')' 1 . Browu. .Charles W. ToD;lb, late of Com'pany E, Fourth Regiment New York Volunteer Heavy Artillery, aDd pay her a ~at the .rate of $60 per month in lieu· of that she 18 now recmvi~. The name of- ~y·Oranda1l, widow of Jerome B.. Crandell, Bt&IQ'OraDdaIJ. late of Company' K,-Twenty:.sixth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pay. her· a pension at the rate of$C50 per month in lieu of that she is now ·l'eCeiving. .' . PeaIIoD. The name of Addeline Stewa!'f;, helpless and dependent daug!!te:r .A.ddIIiDe Stewart. of William H. Stewart, late of COmpany I, Seventh Begimeut west Virginia Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a peuiOll • the rate of $20 per month. . PeaIIooa IncnuecL TIle name of Sarah B.. Platt, widow of James H. Platt. late of s.nh B. Platt. Companies I aDd B, Tenth Regiment KansaS VolUnteer ·lnfantry, and .pay her a~on ~ the rate of. $50 per month in lieu of that she IS now recel'Ylng. . ., ." . The name of Carrie StePPJ widow of Jaoob .Stepp, late-ol Com- OIatIStIIpp. pany F, One hundred and fifty-first Regiment Iridiana Vol1lJl1:A)er Infantry, a~d pay her.a 'pension at the rate of $50 'per month in Ueu of that she IS now recel'v~. . The name of Elizabeth Rilel,t '\1!idow of Wilson H. Bile.11, late ElIIaWh lUIq. of CompanyB, Seventy-third Hegiment Ohio,·Volunteer Infa.ntry, and]:>8y her a pension at the rate of $5Oper·month in lleu. of tb&t she IS now receiving. , . . The name of Marz E: Gilbert, widow of Philip H.Gilbert, late of :u., . . ODbIrt. Company G, FifSt ~t Massachusetts Volunt.eer Hea~ Artil- lery1 and pal her a pens!on at tile rate of $SO per month in lieu of tnat she 18 riow recreivmg. . . The Dame of Rosanna' J. Peters, widow of Francis M. Paten, late :a-ma1. Pwten. of Company E, Eighteenth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer InfUltry, and .pay her a ~~sion at t~ rate of $!SO per month in lieu of that ".,..,... she 18 now NCelVIDg: Pf'041'ided, That m the event of the death of x- to _ OD Alice S. Peters, helpless od d_ependent da~hter. of said RoMnna J. death of cbIl4. and Francis M. Peters, the additional penS10n herem granted shan cease and determine: And ~ furtMr, That in the event of the TarmstroBot (talk) on death of Rosanna J ..Petera, the name of said·Aliee S. Peters shan be placed on the pension ~ subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, at the rate of $20 permOllth from and after the date of death of said Rosauna 1. Peters. . The name of Pauline Snyder, former widow of John T. WaTd, PaullneSDTder. late of Company' E, One hundred and fifty...acondRegiment Ohio Volunteer Iiifantry, and t»ay her a ~on at the rate of ,$GO per month in lieu of that she IS nowreceniilg. .. PeusIoDa. The name of Sarah E. Philips, widow of Nathan B. Philips, late Sarah E. PhIlIps. of Company C, Eighty..second Re2iment Ohio,V.ohmteer Infantry, and pay her the tate of$30 per month.· - The name of Harrison Ogle, ,helpless and :dependent son. of Ben- HarrIIoD 0cJe, jamin Ogle, late of Company ~, Thirty-~ond ~ent Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pens101r' at- the rate of $20; per month. Peusioll8 Incnued. 'l'he name of Maxey A. Dow; widow of ·Loreazo J. Dow,l&te of Maxey A.. Dow. Company G, Fourteenth Regiment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, and