Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/238

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1914: SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. Sua. I . CIL 140. 1928. The;IWne,of~line. ,StanleI,widow QI To~ P. Stanley, _tetef &mtanY. G, One ihtmdrei and ~-secoDd ~t Oluo Volllbteu; IDfail~, aM. pay her '•. peneion ~ the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receivi!lg. ~'R.Da. '~.·ntlDem~4D=R. DavUrt./Wi~.,o.f:~ <ll>a.vis, late of!:<{ompMJr~IFl b ~ Ohio Vol~ Inf~,.n~ l*y,l* ~,peneioa at,the rate, of ~ perJPOllth[m,li~ of tl1at ~ 18 now reeernng. ,:,Tha~,of men :Unvle~~w of)iutin E.,Lawler, late of ,~)~: ~-se:v~Dtb ~gunant liew York ,Volunteer Infan- ,tIZJ\ ..jl,paY'_~J~.~nat ~.r~,of'MoM, lieu of that she is noW' receIVIng. '.. . leImIIt........, · 'Th$i'Sf, .J~',Stu~ rwidow of ~ B; SQltzman, 1.:~, . ,,' 'y~, hundred and ~-ninth Re~t Ohio ,:y~ '. faDtrv, an 1~1 a.~QJl ,~ the rate of $50 per month m lieu of that she 18 now receJ.V~ ~ D. BrowDIIl. , The JlalIle of .Sarah, D. BroWnell, :widow of Adelbert L, late of the U~ StateS NaYf, Civil War, and J!oJ her " ~attberateof~permonthmlieuofthatsheisDOW PboIMJ.Bk*man ren~pJe of Phoebe~. Hic1anaD, widow of Abraham Hickman, late of,~, B."E1eventh Be~nt ,West ViI'ginia Volunteer J;nfanW., ana p·a~ ner a ;~on at the rate of ~ per month in heu of tnat she lB now recel~. ' EliIabItII A. 8mIth. ,Th~ ~e of ~iabeth ~ t?miUl, widow of ~ W. Smith, late of.CQJppany. B, ~v.tb Regunent West V}~nia. '\Tolunteer Infan- tryt ~. ~pay her ...~n at the rate of ~ per month in lieu of that .,,~ now~~. . ~VaDBuakirt. Th~ name of E~er"Van BQSkir~ ~40w o! Ab~ Van •' Buskirk,, of Ogmpany K, Seventy-third Re~nt OhIO V01- ,unt;eer W~, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month PeDIIaa. ,in lieu of that me is now receiv~, .' TbomuWard. The name of Thomas Ward, crippled andde~ndent son of Lor- enzo n. W~, ~ of the United States Navy, Civil War, and pay PeDlioD8ln~. him a ,~on at the rate of $20 pel' month. ' . . Addle I>ecW. ~ nam,e .. of Ad.Iie Deck~, widow of Simon B. Decker late of. Co.mpan'y k.,One 'hundred and thirty-fourth ~'3l1t rnu;:ois V~.'~ '~~.tJa';, ~dpay her a ~on at the rate of $W per mOJltll,in,l.¥JU. of is now receiving. . I'raDcs A.. Hlll 1\e ~ ;Cd Frances A. Hill, Widow of William H. Hill, late ,.oJ.Co~~,D,;N~th Regiment Wisconsin Vol1lJ}tee: Infantry, and 'Pay her a pensIOn at the rate of $liD per month 111 lieu of that .,18 JlOW' ,reoei~. The ~'oflWmah Bl'eeJl, Widow of Patri~ Breen, late of Company jJ, 'Nin,etjeth ~giment· Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a~~ the ,'~ of $lSO.per month in lieu ~f that she lB now recelvmg. , EI8abe&b ROGbI. 'l'Jle n~, of EUabeth Rot-;e, widow of John Roch!l late of Company'G, 'Fifty:*venth~t, and Company G, Sixty-first ~lIl8nt New Y,,~k VoIUJl~r Infan~, and pay lier a pellSlon at the rate of $50 per month 'in lieu of that she is now receiving. ~


The naUle.(~f.Hetlie C. Graves, widow of Job B. Grav~ late of CoropanYi,C, F"Iev.,nth.Begi.ment K- .ueky Vol~tee~ Infan~, and ~1 h,ef a ~on~.~ ~te, 01 $$0 per ,month 111 lieu of that . she is now receiving. ' . .' , lbrIMet GJlUIIIan. ,ne JUUne'()f;Ma~~GiWUlan, .widow of Adam GiUfill~ late of·Oomp~ B"Eipty-ninth ~J;lt Ohio VQI1lD:tee~, Inf&D~, and '~J ~er a. ,~on, at th~ ra~ of $5P per. month m &u of that she IS now receiving.