Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/240

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1916 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I. CR. 740. 1928. pay her a I?e~sion at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she lB' now r8Ce1vmg. '. ~tteE.G.At- .The· 1WD8! of Margarette E. G. A .tkinson, widow of James Atkinso~late of ~:.Eany E, One hundred and forty-first Regiment Illin_ vobmteer antry, and pay her a pel¥Jion at the rate of $60 per 1h0Dth in ~uof that she is now.reoeiviDg. . Lavina Prmttce. Xhe,name of Lan- Prentice, widow ofBeubeii T .. Prentice, l,ate of Company M, Eighth Re~ent illinois Volun~r Cavalry! and pay her -! - pension at the rate 01$60 per lllonth iJ) lieu of that BIle is now =nsIiIllepa. ~::U!ame of Prieilla ~ widow of Henry lIillegas, late of Company K, FiftJ.~ourth Regi.ment Pe~lvlW4 Yolunreer Infan- try, m!J;:f her ape¢oll at the rate.of $30. })8l' month. MIIl'71ane\J. "The" of MP.ry Jarrell, widow of Gi~ .Jarrell, alias Gileson JarreI. .'lUe of CaPt!Un William Turner s iBdependent compa.ny, West 'Virginia State Guards, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 PIlIIIIoa IDcrWecL p6! month.· . MaaIe E. Roee. The name of ~ E. Bose, widow of He~ Bose. late of Com- panies D and K, TIUrd Regiment Missouri Volunteer lnfantry, and pay her '!- J?Elnsion at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is Mar)' V . Pierce.

iJ.()W recetVlXlg.

The name of Mary V. Pierce, widow of- Thomas H. B. Pierce, late of Comp...y K, Third ~ent Maine Volunteer Infantry, and pay PrIlfllMll. her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now ~::rechD~ ... on ~~: l~, Thai in the event of the death of Edward . B. Pierte.. helpless aDd dependent son of said Mary V. and Tho_ H . B . PieI'ee, the additional pension herein granted. shall d!~r~o%:.nd on cease and determine: And pro-vidM further, That in the event of the dMth of Mary V. Pierce, the name cd said Edward B. Pierce shall Pensions. Auamca. oWe PaInter. be placed on the pensioa roll, snbjeet to the provisions and limitations of the pension 1&","" at the rate of $20 per month from and after the date of death of said Mary V. Pierce. 'file name ef Annt, HicIts, wich'w of Isaac Hicks, late of Company F, Fifty-third BegiIllent DliIlOis Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a peIl1rlon at the rate ofc$l() per moIlth. The name of Ollie Painter, helpless and dependent daughter of Solomon Painter, late of Oompany B, Fifty-ninth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 PensloDJ IDcreued. per month. .' Elizabeth n.~. The name of Elizabeth Day, widow of John H. Da)', late of Com- pany H, Seventy-sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her ~ penaon at the rate 01 $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receI'YlDg . Marpret A. Davia.. The name of Manzaret A. DaVlS, WIdow of Samuel A. Davis, late of Sixth Company, 0610 Volunteer Sharpshooters, and pay her a pen- sion at the rate of ~ per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. Clara B. Holbrook. The name of Clara -n. Holbrook, widow of Hiram H. Holbrook, late of the United States Navy, Civil War, and pay her a ~nsion at the rate of ~ ~r month in lieu of that she is now recelving. The name of Ruth Nelson, former widow of Noah Nelson, late of Company I, Twelfth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and l'eDIioDIlDcnued. pay her a pension at the rate of $80 per month. Maale8haw. The name of Magie Shaw, widow of H~ C. Shaw, late of PensIon. Ruth NelIIoD. PM, P. 1*. Company A, Sevent.Y -second Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a ~on at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that she is now l"8Cel~. EllIabeth ltapn'The name of ElIZabeth ~, widow of Patrick Kagan, late of Company H, Twelfth Regiment Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a ~nsion at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is DOW receIving.