Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/127

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They had to cross 'a basin and then corhe up on a little ridge When they appeared on the ridge, the Warmspring scouts and the white soldiers saw them about the same time the Modocs did. The soldiers and Warmspring Indians all dismounted and separated for battle, They had a hard fight. Neither side gaining ground or loosing ground. After the soldiers and scouts withdrew, the Modocs got together. Their most

Warm Spring- U. S. Indian Scouts. Left Tahome; behind him Sisson Jim; standing Donald McKay.

beloved man, Ellen's man, was missing. Scarface Charley said, "We must find him. He may be just wounded, but I fear he is dead. Three or four men went to where he was seen last. Faithful William found him lying face down, dead. A hole in his right breast told the tale. About fifty feet from Ellen's man's body, laying side by side, were two Warmspring Indian scouts, 1 both dead, one with a gapping hole in the face,

iThe names of the two Warm Spring- Scouts killed were Se-bas-tia and Wa-san-ika.