Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/128

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the other one with a bullet hole right over his heart. Ellen's man had sold his life dear in his last battle for his dear country. The boys in blue all escaped in this battle; only one got a light flesh wound on the left shoulder. The soldiers all kept to one side during this fight, as McKay had requested it. He wanted to fight the Modocs Indian style, which he did. He did not make good as he said he would. The Modoc braves, when they got back to their camp that evening, they were all

William, U. S. Warm Spring Indian Scout. Indian name, Skmea-Chee.

sad. Finally someone said, if it had not been for a certain thing, Ellen's man would not have been killed. Three or four others spoke. Then they all commenced to blame one another for his death. Women took sides. They quarreled all night. When morning came they lined up to fight. Only a few men took sides with Chief Capt. Jack. Of course, John Schonchin was also with him. Capt. Jack told the people that he was not the cause of Ellen's man's death. "You accuse me wrong,"