Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/126

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May 7th, Captain Jack and all his braves go south about four miles. Make another stand. George, Ellen's man, killed, the bravest man among the Modocs. His death causes trouble among the Indians. The Modocs separate, one band went west and the other east.

One day along in the early part of May (about the /th), Colonel Mason and his company, if my memory serves me right, met Scarface Charley and thirtytwo Modocs in open battle, near Dry Lake, edge of the Lava Beds. Mason and his troops retreated after about half an hour of hard fighting, at close range, leaving four on the field, but taking their wounded along. Scarface Charley lost one man. His name was Little Stevens, killed; none wounded. A few days later, a big body of Warmspring Indian volunteers and scouts, Don- ald or Donal McKay, in command of the Indian volunteers, and a company of cavalrymen, got orders to go and find the Modocs and rout them if it could be done. McKay said he and his men could and would lick h 11 out of them Modocs, if he got the opportunity. He said he had not got any show with them Modocs yet. He wanted to find them, so he could make good with his men.

The officer that \vas in command of the cavalry boys said, "Look here, McKay, you may lick them Modocs easy, but let me say, they are fighters, and good ones. If we jump them, you will find out that what I tell you is the truth." The two officers had the foregoing conversation while they was riding along the zig-zag trail through the Lava Beds.

The Modoc Indian on picket duty saw the horsemen ap- proaching. He reported to his chief what he sa\v. He and Scarface Charley gave orders to prepare for battle. The Mo- docs went forward to meet their enemy. They did this to give their women, children and old people a better show to hide. The opposing enemies caught sight of each other about the same time, about one mile from the Modoc camp, when the Modoc warriors left their camp to go and meet the enemy.