Page:Embroidery and Fancy Work.djvu/227

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This is to be worked in fine linen thread with a steel needle. It is very pretty for an edging and can be crocheted as narrow or as deep as desired. The extra width shown in the illustration is not needed for the cuff; about three inches of it is worked to turn the corner for the collar, which should be made up like the knitted one given in the next chapter.

For the cuff make a chain of forty-four stitches.

1st row: Pass over six stitches, one treble into the seventh, two chain, pass over one stitch, * one double into the next, two chain, pass over two stitches, two trebles separated by three chain into the next, two chain, pass over two stitches, one double into the next, repeat from * five times more, * two chain, pass over two stitches, one treble into the next, three chain, one treble into the same stitch; turn.

2nd row: Three chain, one treble under three chain of last row, * five chain, two trebles separated by two chain under next three chain, repeat from * five times more; turn.

3rd row: Four chain,* two trebles separated by three chain under two chain, two chain, one double into centre of five chain, two chain, repeat from * five times more, two trebles separated by two chain under two chain; turn.

4th row: Three chain, one treble under two chain, * five chain, two trebles separated by two chain under three chain, repeat from * five times more, one chain, thirteen trebles under four chain, one double into first row of pattern (see design); turn.

5th row: Fourteen trebles each separated by one chain between the trebles of last row and under the one chain, one chain, * two trebles separated by two chain under two chain, two chain, one double into centre of five chain, two chain, repeat from * five times more, two