Page:Embroidery and Fancy Work.djvu/226

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two stitches are left, then work twenty-three rounds plain, and taper and finish off as before.

Work the third finger the same as the second, but work twenty plain rounds only—not twenty-three rounds. The remaining twenty-three stitches are for the last finger which only has a gusset on the side next to the preceding finger. Decrease on this gusset till only twenty-two stitches are left, work eighteen rounds plain, and then finish off as before.

The second glove is made in the same manner, care being taken to make them right and left by reversing the stitches for front and back.


Hold the work with the right side outside, begin where the chain is joined, and work a row of looped crochet. Break off at the end. Do ten more rows. On the 11th row increase at each end, also in the 15th, 19th, 24th and 29th rows. Work thirty three rows in all and finish. Sew in neatly all the ends; sew on a piece of strong leather, and insert a spring.

The backs of the gloves can be embroidered in any simple stitch.


Fig. 103.