Page:Embroidery and Fancy Work.djvu/228

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chain, two trebles separated by two chain under the chain at the turn of last row; turn.

6th row: Three chain, one treble under two chain, * five chain, two trebles separated by five chain under two chain, repeat from * five times more, two chain, fourteen trebles, each separated by one chain between the trebles of last row; turn.

7th row: Two chain, fourteen half trebles each separated by two chain between the trebles of last row, three chain, * two trebles separated by three chain under two chain, two chain, one double into centre of five chain, two chain, repeat from * five times more, two chain, two trebles under the chain at the turn of last row. Repeat from second row for the length required.

For the edge, work one-half treble under the two chain at the turn of the last row, one-half treble under the fourth two chain on next scollop, * three chain, one-half treble under next two chain, repeat from * eight times more, three chain, then repeat from the beginning of the row.

For the narrow part used for the corner of collar, work the four repeats of the first patterns of the first and second rows alternately.


Fig. 104.

This edging is worked in the width, a heading being crocheted on afterwards.

Make a chain of nine stitches, join in a round, make two chain, three trebles into the ring, keep the top loop of each on the hook, and draw through altogether; six chain, one single into the first, three trebles into the