Page:Embroidery and Fancy Work.djvu/225

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8th round: Five DC, one DC between the next two stitches to increase for the thumb, sixty-seven DC.

In every successive round increase one on each side this one stitch for the thumb, until you have thirty extra stitches. Then finish the thumb as follows:

A DC on each of these thirty stitches, then eighteen chain and join to the first DC of the thirty. On the next round work forty-eight DC. In every round after this, miss the first and last of the eighteen extra DC; this forms a gusset. When the stitches have been reduced to the original thirty, work fifteen rounds plain—that is in DC, without any decreasings. From this point of the thumb work three DC, miss the next, and repeat this round and round till only four stitches are left. Finish the thumb by working these four stitches at once, and fasten off on the side.

Now return to the hand. In addition to the original seventy-two stitches, there were eighteen added for the thumb gusset. On these ninety stitches work sixteen rounds of DC, and then divide them for the fingers, fifty stitches for the back of the hand and forty for the front.

For the first finger work twelve DC from the back, eleven from the front, make ten chain, and join to the first DC. On the next round work thirty-three DC, and in succeeding rounds miss the first and last of the extra ten chain until only twenty-three at left. On these twenty-three stitches work twenty rounds plain DC—or till the finger is long enough. Then decrease and finish off as directed for the thumb.

For the second finger take twelve from the back, ten from the front, add a chain of ten as before, and use the ten chain of the forefinger gusset for the other side of the finger—forty-two stitches in all, with a gusset often chain on each side of the finger. Decrease on each of these ten chain as directed for the first finger, till twenty-