Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/108

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was born about 1600. He was a still-life and flower painter, and was living at Venice in 1663.

BACCIARELLI, Marcellh, was bom at Rome in 1731, and studied under Benefial. In 1750 ho was called to Dresden, where he was employed by King Augustus III.; after whose death he went to Vienna, and thence to Warsaw, where lie was much patronized. He painted a set of the Polish kings, from BoleslauS Chrobry downwards. That of Stanislaus II. (Stanislas Augustus Poniatowski) has been engraved by A. de Marcenay de Ghuy, Kiistner, and A. Fogg. Bacciarelli also painted scenes from the History of Poland. He died at Warsaw in 1818.

BACCIO DELLA Porta (Fra Bartolommeo). See Bartolommeo di Pagholo.

BACCIOCCHI, Fra Ferrante. This painter was a monk, of the order of the Philippines. Some of his works are noticed in Barotti's account of the paintings and sculpture at Ferrara. One of his best pictures was the ' Stoning of St. Stephen,' in the church of San Stefano in that city ; and in Santa Maria del Suffragio there was a 'Holy Family' by him. He flourished in the 17th century.

BACH, Karl Daniel Friedrich, who was born at Potsdam, in 1756, studied and painted in Berlin, and in Italy, where he was much influenced by the works of Raphael. He subsequently became pro- fessor in the Art Academy at Breslau, where he died, in 1826. He painted historical subjects, portraits, and animals, and he also used the etching-needle.

BACHELEY, Jacqdes, a French designer and engraver, was born at Pont I'Eveque, in Normandy, in 1712. He studied under Philippe le Bas. He was a member of the Academy at Rouen, where he died in 1781. We have by him several prints of landscapes after the Dutch masters ; amongst which are the following :

View in Italy ; after Hart. Brecnberg. View on the Tiber ; after the same. View of the Bridge of Voges ; after the same. View of Rotterdam ; after Van Goijen. The Castle of Kyswick ; after JRidsdatl. View near Utrecht ; after the same. A Storm on the Coast of Greenland ; after J. Peters. The Kedoubt of Schenck ; after B. Peters. The Mouth of the Meuse ; after the same. The View of Havre de Grace ; after his own drawing.

BACHELIER, Jean Jacques, was bom in Paris in 1724. He was received into the French Academy as a flower painter in 1751, and again as an historical painter in 1763, in which year he painted the ' Death of Abel.' His picture of ' Cimon in Prison, nourished by his Daughter,' exhibited in 1765 as ' Charity Ro- maine,' was allowed to replace the former work in the Louvre. In 1765 he founded a school of design for artisans, still in existence. He died in Paris in 1805. He was for fourty-four years Director of the Porcelain Factory at Sevres, and was also Director of the Academy of Painting, Sculpture, and Naval Architecture at Marseilles.

BACHICHE, Le. See Gaulli.

BACHMANN,Georo, also written Pachmann, was born probably in 1600, in Friedberg, Bohemia. He worked for many years in Vienna, and the churches of that city contain examples of his art. He died there in 1662. Besides pictures of sacred history, Bachmann also executed portraits of no mean merit.

BACICCIO. See Gaulll

BACKER, Adrlaan, the nephew of Jacob A. Backer, was bora at Amsterdam in 1643. He was sent to Italy when he was young, where he studied several years, and acquired a taste jind correctness of design, not very common in the artists of his country, which is discernible in all his works. His most esteemed picture is in the old town-hall at Amsterdam, representing the ' Last Judgment; ' it is an ingenious composition, and ia painted in a good style. A ' Rape of the Sabines,' signed by him and dated 1671, is in the Brunswick Gallery. An allegorical picture of ' Painting, Peace, and Justice' is in the Antwerp Museum. He died at Amsterdam in 1686.

BACKER, Bt. (Bartholomsds, or Barknt), was an engraver, who flourished at Amsterdam in the middle of the 18th century. He executed plates of portraits and views in a neat, finished manner.

BACKER, Franz de. See De Backer.

BACKER, Jacob A., or Barker (not to be con- founded with Jacob de Backer, of Antwerp), was born at Harlingen in 1608 or 1609 ; he studied under Lambert Jacobsz at Leeuwarden, and then with Rembrandt, whose studio he entered between 1632 and 1634. His chief residence was at Amster- dam, where he distinguished himself as a portrait painter. Such was the extraordinary facility and rapidity of this artist, that Houhraken asserts that he finished the half-length portrait of a lady, dressed in a troublesome drapery and loaded with jewels, in one day. He also acquired great reput- ation as a painter of history ; and his pictures were extolled in the poetry of Vondel, his country- man. He died in 1651, at Amsterdam, in the forty-second year of his age. The following aie some of his most important works :

Amsterdam. Town hall. An Archery-piece ; signed J.B. 1642. „ Gallery. Six Regents. 1676. „ „ The Regents of the Work-house. Brunswick. Museum, Portrait of himself. „ „ Sleeping Nymph. Dresden. Gallery. Two Portraits. He also etcheil some plates from his own designs.

BACKER, Jakob de. See De Backer.

BACKER, Nicolas de. See De Backer.

BACKEREEL, Gilles, (or Bakereel,) who was born at Antwerp in 1572, studied in Italy and then returned to his native city, the churches of which formerly possessed a number of his works. In the Brussels Museum are an ' Adoration of the Shepherds,' and the ' Vision of St. Felix,' and in the Vienna Gallery a ' Hero mourning Leander.' Backereel's name is also frequently distorted into Baccarelles, Bakanel, Baccarelli, Bacareel, and Bakkarell. The date of his death is not recorded.

BACKEREEL, Willem, brother of Gilles, was born at Antwerp in 1570. He went to Italy to study, and stayed there until his death, in 1600. He painted historical subjects and portraits.

BACKHUIZEN, Hendrik van de Sande, whose mother's name was Van de Sande, was born at the Hague in 1795. He studied under J. Heijmans, but derived most of his art instruction from nature, and soon became noted for his landscapes, usually containing figures or cattle. In 1822 he was elected a member of the Academy at Amsterdam; and in 1847 he was made a Knight of the Order of the Lion. He died in his native city in 1860. His works are seen in the public