Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/109

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and private collections of Holland and Belgium. Two winter-landscapes by him are in the Pina- kothek at Munich.

BACKHUYSE'N, Lcdolf. See Bakhoisen.

BACLER d'ALBE, Lodis Albert Gdillain, Baron de, a French artist, was born in 1761 at St. Pol (Pas de Calais). He was a brigadier-general, and held other military and civil offices under Napoleon. He painted, during the invasion of the French, in 1797, several views in Italy: the 'Battle of Lodi,' the 'Passage of the Po,' and several other victories of the French armies. He also painted some interesting landscapes and clas- sical subjects, such as the ' Death of Paris,' and 'CEdipus wandering in Greece.' He also etched and lithographed a large number of landscapes. He died at Sevres in 1824.

BACON, FuEDERicK, engraver, born in London in 1803, was a student of the Royal Academy for Bome time under Fuseli, and afterwards became a pupil and assistant of the Findens. He engraved, on his own account, illustrations for the Waverley Novels, and for Heath's Annuals, &c., and was much employed by Messrs. Colnaghi and Puckle, and for the Art Union. In 1869 he retired from the active exercise of his profession, and in 1882 left England for California, where he invested in a property, and where he died in 1887.

BACON, Sir Naihaniel, who was bom in 1547, was a half-brother of the g^eat philosopher, Lord Chancellor Bacon. He practised art for his amuse- ment, after the manner of the Flemish school. There exist pictures by him at Gorhambury, the family seat, consisting of a whole-length portrait of himself, a half-length of his mother, and a 'Kitchen-maid with Fowls,' admirably painted. Several others are at Redgrave Hall, Suffolk. He died in 1615. His monument in the chancel of Culford church has, in addition to his bust, the emblems of a palette and pencils.

BACQUOY. See Baquoy.

BADALOCCHIO, Sisto — called by Malvasia, SiSTO RosA^was bom at Parma in 1581, and was educated in the school of Annibale Carracci. He went with that great master to Rome, and assisted liim in some of his celebrated works in that city, notably in the Farnese Palace. He was an ac- complished designer, and possessed an inventive genius. After the death of his master, in 1609, Badalocchio retumed to Bologna, where he was much employed. He also worked at Gualtieri, Reggio, and Parma. He died at Bologna in 1647. One of his best works is a ' St. Francis,' in the Parma Gallery. In the Yerospi Palace at Rome he painted in fresco, after Albani, ' Polyphemus seated on a Rock, with Galatea and her Nymphs ; ' ' Poly- phemus hurling a Rock on Acis and Galatea ; ' ' Mercury and Paris,' and the ' Judgment of Paris ; ' which have been engraved by Giovanni Girolamo Frezza. Sisto Badalocchio etched several plates in a free and masterly style; they are generally more finished than those by Guide Reni, though not quite so elegantly or so carefully drawn. His ordinary mark was S- B., f. We have among others the following plates by him :

The Statue of the Laocoon ; after the antique marble (his best teork). The Apostles and St. Thomas Aquinas; from the Cupola of the Cathedral at Parma; after Correggio. Twenty-three plates of Eaphael'a Bible ; after the frescoes in the Loggia of the Vatican. The Holy Family, with St. Joseph and St. John ; after Schidone.

BADAROCCO, GiovANNi Raffaello, the son and scholar of Giuseppe Badarocco, was bom at Genoa in 1648. After studying some time under his father he went to Rome, and entered the school of Carlo Maratti. Aiming at a freer and bolder style, lie appears to have preferred the works of Pietro da Cortonato those of his master. He also painted in Naples and Venice, whence he returned to Genoa. There is great suavity and a fine impaato in his colouring, which a profusion of ultramarine has preserved in all its brilliancy. He was much employed in easel historical pictures. Two of his largest and best works were in the Certosa at Polcevera. He died in 1726.

BADAROCCO, Giuseppe, who was bom at Genoa in 1588, became a scholar of Andrea An- saldo, under whose tuition he remained some years. He was called, from his difficulty of hearing, ' U Sordo.' After leaving the school of Ansaldo he visited Florence, where he was so much struck with the beauty of the works of Andrea del Sarto, j that he applied himself with assiduity to the study of the pictures of that admirable artist. He proved I a very good painter of history, and executed several

works for the churches and public edifices at Flor-

ence, where he died of the plague in 1657.

BADENS, Frans, was born at Antwerp in 1571. He was the son of an obscure artist, by whom he was instructed in the principles of design, but lie afterwards had the advantage of visiting Italy, where he remained four years. On his return to the Netherlands he gave ample testimony of the advantages he had derived from his studies. Van Mander speaks of him in very favourable terms as a painter of history and portraits, and says that he excelled in painting what are called ' Conversation Pieces.' His style of design partook of the taste he had acquired in Italy, and, like most of the painters of his country, he was an excellent colourist. His works have now entirely disappeared. It is supposed that he died at Amsterdam, but the year is not recorded.

BADENS, Jan, was the younger brother of Frans Badens, and was also instructed in art by his father. He was born at Antwerp in 1576, and following the example of Frans, he went to Italy at an early period of his life, where he resided several years. He afterwards visited Germany, and acquired in that country both fame and fortune. Returning to his native country, he was robbed and pillaged by banditti of all he possessed. This event occasioned his death in 1603, at the age of 27.

BADESLADE, Thomas, a landscape artist, made many drawings of the country-seats of the English nobility and gentry, which were published in various county histories between 1719 and 1750.

BADIALE, Alessandro, a painter and engraver, was born at Bologna in 1623. He was a disciple of Flaminio Torre, and painted several pictures for the churches and public edifices at Bologna. He was accidentally shot at Bologna in 1668. He etched several plates in a slight, free style, from the designs of himself and others. He marked his prints with the annexed monogram. We have the following prints by him ;

The Virgin Mary seated, with the Infant Jesus on her lap, between St. Philip Neri and St. Anthony of Padua; after Flaminio Torre. The Holy Family ; after the same. Christ taken down from the Cross ; after the same. Madonna with Child, who holds a cross and an apple—

half-leng:th— a/<er Carlo Cignani.