Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/107

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was pupil of F. Ximenez, whose style he imitated. He painted historical subjects, and the pictures lie produced in Calatayud, in 1682, are praised for their composition, design, and colour. There is no account of him after that year.

AYERBE. See Arbos.

AYLESFORD, Heneage Finch fourth Earl of, previously Lord Guernsey, who was bom in London in 1751, practised art as an amateur with much success. He was an honorary exhibitor at the Royal Academy from 1786 to 1790. His works are chiefly water-colour drawings of architectural and rural subjects: he also executed several etchings. He died in 1812.

AZEGLIO. See Taparelli d' Azeglio.

AZELT, JoHANN, (or Axelt.) who was bom in 1654, appears in Nuremberg records under various names — Arzold, Arzoldt, and Atzold. He seems to have confined himself almost entirely to por- traits, which are but indifferently executed. He engraved :

The Emperor Joseph I. ; after A. Hanneman Georg Friedrich, Prince of AValdeck. A set of Portraits of the Kings of Spain, Hungary, and Bohemia, &c. ; and raany of the plates in Frehir^s Theatrum Vironim Eruditione Clarorum.

AZZERBONI, Giovanni, an Italian engraver, was a pupil of Guglielmo Morghen. He worked at Rome towards the end of the 18th century, and appears to have died before 1810. He engraved ' The Magdalene,' after Guercino.

AZZOLINI, Giovanni Bernabdo, or Bernardino, — called Mazzolini or Massolini — was bom at Naples about the year 1560. He went, in 1610, to Genoa, where there are several of his works in the churches and convents, and in private collections. Two pictures by him, in Genoa, are mentioned by Soprani as works of great merit: the one an 'Annunciation.' painted for the high altar of the ' Monache Turchine,' and the other a ' Martyrdom of St. ApoUonia,' in the church of San Giuseppe. Azzolini also worked in Naples and Rome. He excelled in wax-work, and formed heads with an absolute expression of life.


BAADE, Knud, a marine and landscape painter, was born in Skiold, in South Norsvay, in 1808, and removed, while still a boy, with his family to Bergen, where he received his first instruction in art. In 1827 he went to Copenhagen, and there studied at the Academy for about three years, when want of means compelled hira to go to Christiania and commence portrait-painting : thence he went to study in Bergen, where the mountain-topped fiords and rocky bays afforded ample subjects for his pencil — and he also travelled northward to Drontheim in search of material for his pictures. In 1836 he was persuaded by his countryman, Dahl, the well-known landscape painter, to go to Dresden, in which city he studied for three years — returning to his native country in 1839 on account of a disease in his eyes. In 1846 he went to Munich, and soon earned as a landscape painter a reputation, which he increased year by year, executing paintings of his native country and the scenes around his native coasts, which he mostly depicted with moonlight effects. Though but an invalid, he laboured at Munich continually until his death, which occurred in that city in 1879. Baade was painter to the Court of Sweden, aii<i s member of the Academy of Arts at Stockho'.in. The following are among his best works: Christiania. Nat. Gallery. Wood at North Kyst, London. South Kensington ) on, -nr . Museum. j J-he Wrect. Munich. Finakotkek. Scene from Norse Mythology. Stockholm. JVat. Gallery. Ship by Moonlight.

BAADER, Amalie, was bom at Erding, in Bavaria, in 1763. She studied engraving under J. Domer, the director of the gallery at Munich, and practised it for amusement, not as a profession. Her mark, an A and B interlaced, is found on copies after Rembrandt, G. F. Schmidt of Berlin, and some Italian masters. After her marria.are she was known by her husband's name. Van Schat- tenhofer. She died at Munich in 1840.

BAAK HATTIGH, JA^f, a painter of Utrecht, lived in the middle of the 17th century, as we find by a picture in the hospital of St. Job in that city, with the date 1642. It is a landscape with figures in the manner of Poelemburg, an 1 ap- proaches so near to that roaster, that it may be concluded he was one of his scholars.

BAAN, J. DE, (or Baen). See De Baan.

BABEL, P. E., a French designer and etcher, was bom in Paris in the early years of the 18th century (perhaps in 1720), and flourished there as late as 1755. He is said to have died in 1761. He has left numerous plates of decoration — some after his own designs — chiefly for the embellishment of books. Heineken says that he was also a goldsmith. Among his productions are:

The plates for Blondel's ' Architecture francaise. 1752-56. Seventy-two rignette illustrations,/ro7n Am own designs, for 'Traite de perspective a I'usage des artistes, by E. S. Jeaurat. Paris. 1750. Three plates of a Salon for the Princess Sartorinski, of Poland; after J. A. Meissonnier. Seven plates of decoration for the Hfitel de Soubise, Paris ; after Boffrand

BABDREN, Theodob van, (or Babeur,) a Dutch painter, who was bom in 1570, was a scholar of Pieter Neefs. He painted interiors and churches in the manner of that master; but more frequently made choice of such subjects as admitted of mirth and conviviality; and his pictures generally repre- sent musical assemblies, card-players, &c., painted in a free, bold manner, in which his drawing is preferable to his colour. His chef-dcBuvre is an ' Entombment,' in the style of Caravaggio, in San Pietro in Montorio, at Rome. His only etching, and this is rare, is from this picture. He died at Utrecht in 1624.

BABYLONE. See Barbarj.

BACAREEL. See Backereel.

BACCARINI, Jacopo, was bom at Reggio about the year 1630. He was a scholar of Orazio Talami, and painted history in the style of that master. Two of his most esteemed pictures, a ' Repose in Egypt,' and the ' Death of St. Alexis,' are in the church of San Filippo at Reggio. He died in 1682.

BACCHIACCA, II. See Ubertini.

BACCHIOCCO, Carlo. According to Averoldo this painter was a native of Milan. That author, in his ' Scelte Pitture di Brescia,' mentions several of the pictures of this master in the churches and convents in that city, particularly in the church of SS. Giacomo e Filippo.

BACCI, Antonio, a native of Mantua, or of Padua,