Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/148

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that Ruth turns to look at him in alarm.] You’re lying, Ruth! Your mother’s just an excuse. You want to stay here. You think that because Andy’s coming back that——— [He chokes and has an attack of coughing.]

Ruth—[Getting up—in a frightened voice.] What’s the matter? [She goes to him.] I’ll go with you, Rob. I don’t care for Andy like you think. Stop that coughing for goodness sake! It’s awful bad for you. [She soothes him in dull tones.] I’ll go with you to the city—soon’s you’re well again. Honest I will, Rob, I promise! [Rob lies back and closes his eyes. She stands looking down at him anxiously.] Do you feel better now?

Robert—Yes. [Ruth goes back to her chair. After a pause he opens his eyes and sits up in his chair. His face is flushed and happy.] Then you will go, Ruth?


Robert—[Excitedly.] We’ll make a new start, Ruth—just you and I. Life owes us some happiness after what we’ve been through. [Vehemently.] It must! Otherwise our suffering would be meaningless—and that is unthinkable.

Ruth—[Worried by his excitement.] Yes, yes, of course, Rob, but you mustn’t——

Robert—Oh, don’t be afraid. I feel completely well, really I do—now that I can hope again. Oh if you knew how glorious it feels to have something to look forward to—not just a dream, but something