Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/149

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tangible, something already within our grasp! Can’t you feel the thrill of it, too—the vision of a new life opening up after all the horrible years?

Ruth—Yes, yes, but do be——

Robert—Nonsense! I won’t be careful. I’m getting back all my strength. [He gets lightly to his feet.] See! I feel light as a feather. [He walks to her chair and bends down to kiss her smilingly.] One kiss—the first in years, isn’t it?—to greet the dawn of a new life together.

Ruth—[Submitting to his kiss—worriedly.] Sit down, Rob, for goodness’ sake!

Robert—[With tender obstinacy—stroking her hair] I won’t sit down. You’re silly to worry. [He rests one hand on the back of her chair.] Listen. All our suffering has been a test through which we had to pass to prove ourselves worthy of a finer realization. [Exultingly.] And we did pass through it! It hasn’t broken us! And now the dream is to come true! Don’t you see?

Ruth—[Looking at him with frightened eyes as if she thought he had gone mad.] Yes, Rob, I see; but won’t you go back to bed now and rest?

Robert—No. I’m going to see the sun rise. It’s an augury of good fortune. [He goes quickly to the window in the rear, left, and pushing the curtains aside, stands looking out. Ruth springs to her feet and comes quickly to the table, left, where she remains watching Robert in a tense, expectant attitude. As he peers out his body seems gradually to sag, to grow