Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/147

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Robert—No. You couldn’t help loving—Andy.

Ruth—[Dully.] I don’t love anyone.

Robert—[Waving her remark aside.] You needn’t deny it. It doesn’t matter. [After a pause—with a tender smile.] Do you know Ruth, what I’ve been dreaming back there in the dark? [With a short laugh.] It may sound silly of me but—I was planning our future when I get well. [He looks at her with appealing eyes as if afraid she will sneer at him. Her expression does not change. She stares at the stove. His voice takes on a note of eagerness.] After all, why shouldn’t we have a future? We’re young yet. If we can only shake off the curse of this farm! It’s the farm that’s ruined our lives, damn it! And now that Andy’s coming back—I’m going to sink my foolish pride, Ruth! I’ll borrow the money from him to give us a good start in the city. We’ll go where people live instead of stagnating, and start all over again. [Confidently.] I won’t be the failure there that I’ve been here, Ruth. You won’t need to be ashamed of me there. I’ll prove to you the reading I’ve done can be put to some use. [Vaguely.] I’ll write, or something of that sort. I’ve always wanted to write. [Pleadingly.] You’ll want to do that, won’t you, Ruth?

Ruth—[Dully.] There’s Ma.

Robert—She can come with us.

Ruth—She wouldn’t.

Robert—[Angrily.] So that’s your answer! [He trembles with violent passion. His voice is so strange