Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/17

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come, in the end, the Slaves of Impoſtors, who, inſtead of lightening their Chains, make them a great deal heavier than they before ever were. The Romans themſelves, tho' afterwards the Model of all free States, were not capable of governing themſelves, when they firſt ſhook off the Yoke of the Tarquins. Debaſed by Slavery and the ignominious Taſks theſe Tyrants had impoſed upon them, they were, in the beginning, no better than a ſtupid Populace, which it was requiſite to indulge and govern with the greateſt Wiſdom, that, accuſtoming themſelves little by little to breathe the ſalutary Air of Liberty, theſe Souls, ener-
