Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/16

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not ſuit the Subjects, or the Subjects the new Adminiſtration. It is with Liberty as with thoſe ſolid and ſucculent Aliments or generous Wines, which, tho' fit to nouriſh and ſtrengthen the robuſt Conſtitutions that have been accuſtomed to them, can only ſerve to oppreſs, to diſorder and deſtroy ſuch weak and delicate Frames as had never before made uſe of them. Men, once accuſtomed to Maſters, can never afterwards do without them. The more they beſtir themſelves to get rid of their fetters, the farther they ſtray from the Paths of Liberty, in as much as, by miſtaking for it an unbounded Licence which is the very reverſe of Liberty, they almoſt always be-
