Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/18

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vated, or rather degraded to the Rank of Beaſts, by the Rod of Oppreſſion, might gradually acquire that Severity of Manners, and that Nobleneſs of Courage, which at laſt rendered them the moſt reſpectable People on the Face of the Earth. I ſhould therefore have ſought out for my Country ſome happy and peaceable Republic, whoſe Origin was in ſome meaſure loſt in the Night of Time; which had experienced no Shocks, but ſuch as were fit to manifeſt and ſtrengthen in its Members their Patriotiſm and Courage; and where the Citizens, long accuſtomed to a prudent Independency, were not only free, but worthy of being ſo.

I ſhould