Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/168

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On the inequality

lations. Theſe Relations, which we expreſs by the Words, great, little, ſtrong, weak, ſwift, ſlow, fearful, bold, and the like, compared occaſionally, and almoſt without thinking of it, produced in him ſome kind of Reflection, or rather a mechanical Prudence, which pointed out to him the Precautions moſt eſſential to his Preſervation and Safety.

The new Lights reſulting from this Development increaſed his Superiority over other Animals, by making him ſenſible of it. He laid himſelf out to enſnare them; he played them a thouſand Tricks; and tho' ſeveral ſurpaſſed him in Strength or in Swiftneſs, he in time became the Maſter of thoſe that could be of any Service to him, and a ſore Enemy to thoſe that could do him any Miſchief. 'Tis thus, that the firſt look he gave into himſelf produced the firſt Emotion of Pride in him; 'tis thus that, at a time he ſcarce knew
