Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/169

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among mankind.

how to diſtinguiſh between the different Ranks of Exiſtence, by attributing to his Species the firſt Rank among Animals in general, he prepared himſelf at a Diſtance to pretend to it as an Individual among thoſe of his own Species in particular.

Tho' other Men were not to him what they are to us, and he had ſcarce more Intercourſe with them than with other Animals, they were not overlooked in his Obſervations. The Conformities, which in time he might diſcover between them, and between himſelf and his Female, made him judge of thoſe he did not perceive; and ſeeing that they all behaved as himſelf would have done in ſimilar Circumſtances, he concluded that their manner of thinking and willing was quite conformable to his own; and this important Truth, when once engraved deeply on his Mind, made him follow, by a Preſentiment as ſure as any

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