Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/167

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among mankind.

traordinary Exertions of Induſtry. On the Sea Shore, and the Banks of Rivers, they invented the Line and the Hook, and became Fishermen and Ichtyophagous. In the Foreſts they made themſelves Bows and Arrows, and became Huntſmen and Warriors. In the cold Countries they covered themſelves with the Skins of the Beaſts they had killed; Thunder, a Volcano, or ſome happy Accident made them acquainted with Fire, a new Reſource againſt the Rigors of Winter: they diſcovered the Method of preſerving this Element, then that of reproducing it, and laſtly the Way of preparing with it the Fleſh of Animals, which heretofore they devoured raw from the Carcaſe.

This reiterated Application of various Beings to himſelf, and to one another, muſt have naturally engendered in the Mind of Man the Idea of certain Re-

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