Page:Yiddish Tales.djvu/430

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"Will you say Kaddish after me?" asked Eeb Selig, in a strangled voice, and he was seized with a fit of coughing.

"Will say !" promised the child.

"Shall you know how?"

"Shall 1"

"Well, now, say : Yisgaddal."

"Yisdaddal," repeated the child in his own way.



And Reb Selig repeated the Kaddish with him several times.

The small lamp burnt low, and scarcely illuminated Reb Selig's yellow, corpse-like face, or the little one of Alterke, who repeated wearily the difficult, and to him unintelligible words of the Kaddish. And Alterke, all the while, gazed intently into the corner, where Tate's shadow and his own had a most fantastic and frightening appearance.