Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/566

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540 THIRTY-—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 90. 1850. anapost-office at post-olhce at Norfolk, Virginia, in addition to the proceeds of the sale N°’f°lk- of the present custom-house and site, to be expended under the direc. Proviso. tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, fifty thousand dollars : Provided, That the plan of the building shall be such that the whole cost, both of building and site, shall in no event exceed the appropriation hereby made. Custom-house For the erection of a new custom-house at San Francisco, to con-

 “ tain rooms for the post-office in that city, and the accommodation of its

` officers, and also rooms for the United States Distripg Court, the accommodation of its officers, and other overnment officers in California, until the whole building is needed for custom-house; gprposes, one ‘ Proviso. hundred thousand dollars: Provided, Said ui ing s a be exem t _Furt1ier pro- from all State, city, or other taxation: And provided, further, Tht ““°‘ the whole cost of the same shall not exceed four hundred thousand dollars. Custom-house For continuing the construction of the custom-house at Savannah, at S"·”“““‘· Georgia, liftcen thousand dollars. Custvm-house For purchasing a site, and commencing the erection of a suitable

§i8§°v°;?m‘§°],t fire-proof building, in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, for a custom-

Louis. I house and independent treasury, and other offices of the United States, the sum of fifty thousand dollars; the whole cost of the building not Proviso. to exceed the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars: Provided, That said building shall be exempted from city taxes, and all other taxes whatever, by act of the legislature of Missouri. Custom-house For the purchase of a site, and construction of a proper building, at

 Cincinnati, for a custom-house, independent treasury, and other offices

nazi. of the United States, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That the total P'°“ls°· cost of construction shall not exceed seventy-five thousand dollars: _F¤¤‘¢b¤r pro- And provided, also, That said building shall be exempted from city “s°‘ · taxes, and all other taxes whatever, by act of the legislature of Ohio. S For pegéairingitnd painting the custom-house at Providence, in the tate o hode sland, one thousand dollars. Altering cus- For finishing and altering rooms in the custom-house, Portland, ggigzlgzur J: Maine, for the accommodation of the federal courts, clerk of the Discommodation or trict and Circuit Courts, and marshal’s omce, three thousand and thirty- U- S- °°'"*s· one dollars and seventy-one cents. C¤¤·¤¢ ¤¤¤'¢y· For survey of the coast of the United States, including compensationdtg ipperintendent and assistants, one hundred and eighty-six thousan dollars. iguggtgf Flor- For continuation of the survey of reefs, sboals, keys, and coasts of ‘ South Florida, by the superintendent of the coast survey, thirty thousand dollars. myxptem coast f For continuing the survey of the western coast of the United States, ‘ orty thousand dollars. _Purchase of To enable the clerk of the House of Representatives to pay for one ji$il;c;‘;l“m°a‘;f hundred and two copies of the eighth volume of the American archives, chives, to be retained in his possession until disposed of by Congress, at sixteen dollars and eighty-three cents per volume, one thousand seven hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents. Tp egabge he clerk of the Hoiuse of Representatives to pay for one un re an seventeen co ies 0 the eighth volume of the American archives, to be retainedlin his possegsion until disposed of by Congress, at sixteen dollars and eighty~three cents per volume, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine dollar and eleven cents. For reporting To enable the clerk of the House of Representatives to pay for glo,:??, "DWF reporting and publishing in the “Daily Globe" two thousand columns ' of the proceedings of the House of Representatives, for this session, gt abc rate of seven dollars and fifty cents a column, fifteen thousand o ars.