Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/565

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THIR.TY—FIR.ST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 90. 1850. 539 For additional salary of the treasurer of the mint at Philadelphia, Treasurer or five hundred dollars. mint, Phila. For salaries of ten clerks authorized by the act of sixth August, Ten clerks. eighteen hundred and forty-six, and of the twelfth of August, eighteen mg- ¤£· hundred and forty-eight, nine thousand dollars. ’ ° ‘ ` For salary of chief clerk of assistant treasurer at New York, one Chief clerk or thousand five hundred dollars. §S'* *·’°”“'°'» . . ew York. For contingent expenses under the act for the safe-keeping, collect- gcutingentex. ing, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue, of sixth August, muses ¤f keepeighteen hundred and forty-six, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars: g:,%:t°"th°r°v` Provided, That no part of said sum of sixteen thousand five hundred 1846,_eh. 90. dollars shall be expended for clerical services. P*’°“S°· For compensation to special agents to examine books, accounts, and Sgggial agents. money on hand, in the several depositories, under the not of sixth Au- 1 · °h· 9°· gust, eighteen hundred and forty-six, five thousand dollars. Loans and For expenses of loans and treasury notes, twenty thousand dollars. *'°“‘“'Y “°*°‘· For supply of deficiencies in the fund for the relief of sick seamen, Rene; of sick including the furnishing of live new marine hospitals, now building, ¤°¤¤¤°¤· viz.: Paducah, Kentucky; Chicago, Illinois; Natchez, Mississippi; Napoleon, Arkansas; St. Louis, Missouri; two hundred thousand dollars. For continuing the construction of the custom-house at New Or- Custom-house leans, two hundred thousand dollars. “t N°" O'1°““'· For the topographical and hydrographical survey of the Delta of the Survey or the Mississippi, with such investigations as may lead to determine the most g;;;,; ‘h° Mw practicable plan for securing it from inundation, and the best mode of ` so deepening the passes at the mouth of the river as to allow ships of twenty feet draft to enter the same, fifty thousand dollars. For repairs, alterations, and furniture for the new custom-house at Custom-house Portland, Maine, eight thousand dollars. at P°“l"“d‘ For repairs and furniture for the custom-house at Castine, in the dis- Custom-house trict of Penobscot, three thousand six hundred dollars. °° C'“°"‘°‘ For the purchase of a site, and the erection of a custom-house, in Custom-house the city of Bangor, Maine, fifty thousand dollars, to be expended under “° B“g°" the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury; and the cost of said building shall not exceed said sum. For the purchase of a site, and the erection of a new custom-house, custom-house at Mobile, to contain rooms for the post·office in that city, and the ac- i‘gb!t°“‘°m°° at commodation of its officers, and also rooms for the United States Dis- I °' trict Court, and the accommodation of its officers, one hundred thousand dollars, in addition to such sum as may be received for the sale of the old custom-house building: Provided, That the plan of the building Proviso. shall be such, that the whole cost, both of building and site, shall in no event exceed the appropriation hereby made. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required to Custom-house purchase, as soon as it can be effected on reasonable terms, a site for §’£,f°“'°Hi°° “' a custom-house and post-otiice in the city of Bath, in the State of ` Maine, and to cause to be erected thereon such a building as may be suitable for a custom-house and post·office: Provided, The said Pi-oviso. Secretary should not deem it more expedient to have the present custom-house repaired: Provided, also, That the entire cost of such site Further proand building, or of such repairs, shall not exceed the sum of twenty- "l‘°· five thousand dollars. For repairing and lining the arches and vaults of the custom-house Custom-house building at Philadelphia, to render them proper for storing goods, ‘° Pb‘1“‘1°lPl““· seven thousand five hundred dollars. For continuing the construction of the custom-house at Charleston, Custom-house one hundred thousand dollars. °t ch‘“`I°“°°“‘ For the purchase of a site and the building of a custom-house and Custom-house