Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/315

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. satisfied that substantial owner- ship and effective control of such airline are vested in nationals of the other contracting party, or in case of failure by the airline desig- nated by the other contracting party to comply with the laws and regulations of the contracting party over whose territory it oper- ates as described in Article Five hereof, or otherwise to fulfill the conditions under which the rights are granted in accordance with this agreement and its Annex. ARTICLE 7 This agreement and all con- tracts connected therewith shall be registered with the Interna- tional Civil Aviation Organiza- tion. ARTICLE 8 Existing rights and privileges relating to air transport services which may have been granted pre- viously by either of the contract- ing parties to an airline of the other contracting party shall con- tinue in force according to their terms. ARTICLE 9 Termination. Either of the contracting parties may at any time notify the other of its intention to terminate the present agreement. Such a notice shall be sent simultaneously to the International Civil Aviation Organ- ization. In the event such com- munication is made, this agree- ment shall terminate six (6) months after the date of receipt of the notice to terminate, unless by agreement between the con- tracting parties the communica- tion under reference is withdrawn before the expiration of that time. If the other contracting party fails to acknowledge receipt, notice que no est6 satisfecha de que la verdadera propiedad y el control efectivo de dicha linea aerea re- caen en nacionales de la otra parte contratante, o en caso de incumpli- miento, por la linea a6rea designada por la otra parte contratante, de las leyes y reglamentos de la parte contratante sobre cuyo territorio funciona en la forma descrita en el Artfculo 5 de este acuerdo, o en caso de que no reuna las condi- ciones bajo las cuales se conceden los derechos, de acuerdo con el presente convenio y su anexo. ARTICULO 7 Este acuerdo, y todos los contra- tos relacionados con 61, serAn regis- trados en la Organizaci6n Inter- nacional de Aviaci6n Civil. ARTICULO 8 Los derechos y privilegios ya existentes, relatives a los servicios de transporte a6reo, que hayan side otorgados anteriormente por alguna de las partes contratantes a una linea a6rea de la otra parte contratante, continuaran en vigor de acuerdo con su tenor. ARTICULO 9 Cualquiera de las partes contra- tantes puede notificar a la otra en cualquier tiempo su intenci6n de poner fin al presente acuerdo. Esa notificaci6n sera enviada si- multaneamente a la Organizaci6n Internacional de Aviaci6n Civil. En case de que se haga tal comu- nicaci6n, este Acuerdo terminara 6 meses despu6s de la fecha de recibo de la notificaci6n de cese, a menos que mediante acuerdo entre las partes contratantes, la referida comunicaci6n sea retirada antes de la expiraci6n de ese lapso. Si la otra parte contratante deja de acusar recibo, se considerara como Pot, p. 2623. Reistration with Continuance of ex- isting rights, etc. 2620