Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/314

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63 STAT.] DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-JULY 19, 1949 2619 in the Annex. Each contracting party reserves the right, however, to refuse to recognize, for the pur- pose of flight above its own terri- tory, certificates of competency and licenses granted to its own nationals by another State. ARTICLE 5 a) The laws and regulations of one contracting party relating to the admission to or departure from its territory of aircraft en- gaged in international air navi- gation, or to the operation and - navigation of such aircraft while within its territory, shall be ap- plied to the aircraft of the other contracting party, and shall be complied with by such aircraft upon entering or departing from or while within the territory of the first party. b) The laws and regulations of one contracting party as to the admission to or departure from its territory of passengers, crew, or cargo of aircraft, such as regu- lations relating to entry, clear- ance, immigration, passports, cus- toms, and quarantine shall be complied with by or on behalf of such passengers, crew or cargo of the airlines designated by the other contracting party upon en- trance into or departure from, or while within the territory of the first party. ARTICLE 6 Each contracting party reserves the right to withhold or revoke a certificate or permit of any airline designated by the other contract- ing party in the event it is 'not , rutas y servicios descritos en el Anexo. Cada parte contratante se reserva el dereeho,, sinembargo, de negar el reconocimiento, para fines de vuelo sobre su propio territorio, de los certificados de competencia y de las licencias concedidos a sus propios nacionales por otro Estado. ARTICULO 5 a) Las leyes y. reglamentos de una parte contratante relativos a la admisi6n en su territorio, o a la salida de este, de las naves a6reas utilizadas en la navegaci6n aerea internacional; o relativos al funcionamiento y navegaci6n de tales naves aereaasmientras se encuentren dentro de su territorio, seran aplicados a las naves aereas de la otra parte contratante, y serAn cumplidos por dichas naves aereas a la entrada o a la salida del territorio de la primera parte, o mientras est6n dentro de 1l. b) Las leyes y reglamentos de una parte contratante relativos a la admisi6n en su territorio, o a la salida de este, de los pasajeros, la tripulaci6n, o la carta de las naves a6reas, tales como los regla- mentos de entrada, despacho aduanero, inmigraci6n, pasaportes, derechos aduaneros'y cuarentena, seran cumplidos, personalmente o a nombre de ellos, por dichos pasajeros, tripulaci6n o carga de las lineas aereas designadas por la otra parte contratante, a la en- trada o salida del territorio de la primera parte, o mientras se hallen dentro de el. ARTIcuLo 6 Cada parte contratante se reser- va el derecho de negar o revocar un certificado o permiso de cual- quier linea aerea designada por la otra parte contratante, en caso de Poe, p. 2sm. Law and regula tions. Withhldin ore Mr- ocatn ofetUiate or,pmt.