Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/839

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. 60 Stat. 754. § 1641 (b). Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et le Gouvernement belge, aux fins suivantes, ainsi qu'il est pr6vu a la section 32 (b) de la loi des Etats-Unis sur les stocks excedentaires, de 1944, amendee: (1) Financement d'6tudes, de re- cherches, d'enseignement et autres activit6s d'ordre 6du- catif, de citoyens des Etats- Unis dans des 6coles et in- stituts sup6rieurs situ6s en Belgique, au Congo Belge et au Luxembourg, ou de na- tionaux de Belgique, du Congo Belge et du Luxembourg dans des 6coles et instituts supe- rieurs am6ricains situes en de- hors des Etats-Unis conti- nentaux, des Iles Hawai, de I'Alaska (y compris les Iles Aleoutiennes), de Porto Rico et des Iles Vierges, y compris le payement des frais de trans- port, des frais d'enseignement, de 1'entretien et autres frais inh6rents a l'activit6 scolaire; ou (2) transport des nationaux de Belgique, du Congo Belge et du Luxembourg qui desirent frequenter des 6coles et in- stituts sup6rieurs des Etats- Unis situes dans les Etats- Unis continentaux, les Iles Hawal, I'Alaska (y compris les Iles A6loutiennes), Porto Rico et les Iles Vierges et dont l'admission, dans ces ecoles et instituts ne privera pas des citoyens des Etats- Unis d'Amerique de la possi- bilit6 d'y etre admis eux- memes. and limitations hereinafter set forth, shall be used by the Foun- dation or such other instrumental- ity as may be agreed upon by the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Belgium for the purpose, as set forth in Section 32 (b) of the United States Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, of (1) financing studies, research, in- struction, and other educa- tional activities of or for citizens of the United States of America in schools and institutions of higher learning located in Belgium, the Bel- gian Congo, and Luxembourg or of the nationals of Belgium, the Belgian Congo, and Lux- embourg in United States schools and institutions of higher learning located out- side the continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska (in- cluding the Aleutian Islands), Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, including payment for transportation, tuition, main- tenance, and other expenses incident to scholastic activi- ties; or (2) furnishing transportation for nationals of Belgium, the Bel- gian Congo, and Luxembourg who desire to attend United States schools and institu- tions of higher learning in the continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska (including the Aleutian Islands), Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands and whose attendance will not deprive citizens of the United States of America of an op- portunity to attend such schools and institutions. 3454