Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/838

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-U. S . EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION-OCT. 8, 1948 stocks exc6dentaires, a de cer- taines activites d'ordre educatif; et Considerant qu'en vertu des dispositions de la Convention conclue entre le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et le Gouvernement belge sur le r6gle- ment de pret-bail, aide reciproque, Plan A, stocks excedentaires et reclamations, signee a Washing- ton le 24 septembre 1946, lorsque le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis en fera la demande, le Gouverne- ment beige reservera des francs belges jusqu'A concurrence d'une valeur de $3.000 .000, qui seront utilis6s exclusivement a la realisa- tion de programmes d'ordre cul- turel et educatif, Sont convenus de ce qui suit: Article 1. I1 sera cre6 une fondation ap- pelee "United States Educational Foundation in Belgium" (appelee dans le present accord, la "Foun- dation") qui sera reconnue par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et par les Gouverne- ments belge et luxembourgeois comme une organisation creee et etablie en vue de faciliter l'execu- tion du programme d'education a financer au moyen de fonds fournis par le Gouvernement belge aux termes du present accord. Sous reserve des dispositions de l'article 3 du present accord, la Fondation ne sera pas soumise a la legislation nationale et locale des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et des Gouvernements beige et luxembourgeois en ce qui concerne l'utilisation des fonds et credits aux fins prevues par le present accord. Tous les fonds fournis par le Gouvernement beige, dans les conditions et limites specifiees ci-apres, seront utilises par la Fondation ou tout autre organisme dont conviendraient le posals, for certain educational activities; and Considering that under the pro- visions of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Gov- ernment of the United States of America and the Government of Belgium regarding settlement for Lend Lease, Reciprocal Aid, Plan A, Surplus Property, and claims, signed at Washington on Septem- ber 24, 1946, it is provided that as and when requested by the United States Government, the Belgian Government will provide Belgian francs up to an aggregate value of $3,000,000, which will be used exclusively to carry out cultural and educational programs, Have agreed as follows: Article 1. There shall be established a foundation to be known as the United States Educational Foun- dation in Belgium (hereinafter des- ignated "the Foundation") which shall be recognized by the Govern- ment of the United States of America and the Governments of Belgium and Luxembourg as an organization created and estab- lished to facilitate the administra- tion of the Educational program to be financed by funds made available by the Government of Belgium under the terms of the present agreement. Except as provided in Article 3 hereof the Foundation shall be exempt from the domestic and local laws of the United States of America and the Governments of Belgium and Lux- embourg as they relate to the use and expenditures of currencies, and credits for currencies, for the purposes set forth in the present agreement. All of the funds made available by the Government of Belgium, within the conditions Post, p. 3984. United States Edu- cationallFoundation in Belgium. Post, p. 346. Use of funds. 3453