Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/904

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59 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-WAR CRIMINALS Aug. 8, 1945 187 Oct. 6, 1945 1587 PROTOCOL Whereas an Agreement and Charter regarding the Prosecution of War Criminals was signed in London on the 8th August, 1945, in the English, French and Russian languages, And whereas a discrepancy has been found to exist between the originals of Article 6, paragraph (c), of the Charter in the Russian language, on the one hand, and the originals in the English and French languages, on the other, to wit, the semi-colon in Article 6, paragraph (c), of the Charter between the words "war" and "or", as carried in the English and French texts, is a comma in the Russian text, And whereas it is desired to rectify this discrepancy: Now, THEREFORE, the undersigned, signatories of the said Agree- ment on behalf of their respective Governments, have agreed that Article 6, paragraph (c), of the Charter in the Russian text is cor- rect, and that the meaning and intention of the Agreement and Charter require that the said semi-colon in the English text should be changed to a comma, and that the French text should be amended to read as follows: c) LES CRIMES CONTRE L'HUMANITE: c'est A dire l'assassinat, l'extermination, la reduction en esclavage, la deportation, et tout autre acte inhumain commis contre toutes populations civiles, avant ou pendant la guerre, ou bien les persecutions pour des motifs politiques, raciaux ou religieux, lorsque ces actes ou persecutions, qu'ils aient constitue ou non une violation du droit interne du pays oh ils out etc pcrprtr6s, ont ct6 commlis Ala suite de tout crime rentrant dans la competence du Tribunal, ou en liaison avec ce crime. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Undersigned have signed the present Protocol. DONE in quadruplicate in Berlin this 6th day of October, 1945, each in English, French and Russian, and each text to have equal authenticity. FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ROBERT H JACKSON FOR THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC F. DE MENTHON FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND HARTLEY SHAWCROSS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS P PYXEHEO