Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/699

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. Restoration of TransportEquipment and Material. 7. The Organisation shall arrange, as soon as practicable, to restore to the member Government concerned transport equipment and ma- terial belonging to a member Government or to its nationals, found outside the territories under the authority of that member Govern- ment and outside its control. These arrangements shall be made in accordance with any general policies which may be determined by the appropriate authorities of the United Nations regarding restoration and restitution of property removed by the enemy. Where immediate restoration would unduly prejudice the operation of essential trans- port in the area, the Organisation shall work out arrangements with the Governments concerned for the temporary use of equipment pending its restoration. Census of TransportEquipment and Material. 8. The Organisation shall at the earliest practicable time arrange through the member Governments for a census of rolling-stock in Continental Europe and of such other transport equipment and material there as may appear necessary for the proper discharge of its functions. Traffic. 9. The Organisation may make such recommendations to the appro- priate authorities as it deems necessary with respect to particulars of projected movements of traffic of common concern, having regard to the transport facilities available for the movement of such traffic. 10. The Organisation shall make recommendations to the Govern- ments concerned in order to ensure the movement of traffic of common concern on all routes of transport in Continental Europe in accordance with the priorities determined by the appropriate authorities of the United Nations. In respect of traffic of military importance sponsored by the Allied Commanders-in-Chief, the appropriate authority for this purpose will be the Allied Commander-in-Chief concerned. Charges. 11. The Organisation may work out the unification of tariffs, terms and conditions of transport and the like applicable to traffic of an international character. It shall recommend to the Government con- cerned the principles by which reasonable transport charges for traffic of common concern in Continental Europe should be fixed by them Post, p. 13. in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9 of Article VIII. This paragraph shall not apply to military traffic under the control of the Allied Commanders-in-Chief except at their request. Rehabilitation of Transport Systems. 12. The Organisation may study the conditions of transport affect- ing traffic of an international character in individual countries and make recommendations to the Governments concerned as to technical measures directed to the quickest restoration of transport facilities and their most effective use, and as to the priority in which works or projects in respect of the restoration or improvement of transport facilities shall be carried out. 1376