Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/644

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Ane, pp. 1554, 1557, 1561. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. La Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, tom6 debida nota de que el compromiso asi adquirido queda sujeto a que haya fondos disponibles en la partida presupuestal aprobada, despu6s del 30 de junio de 1945 y en los afos fiscales posteriores de los Estados Unidos de America. La Secretarfa de Relaciones Exteriores aprovecha la oportunidad para reiterar a la Embajada de los Estados Unidos de Am6rica las seguridades de su mas alta y distinguida consideraci6n. Mfixco, D.F., 18 de octubre de 194. Translation by the Department of State of the Foregoing Note MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS UNITED MEXICAN STATES MEXICO 50440 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United States of America and has the honor to refer to the latter's courteous note verbale No. 3041 dated September 7, 1944, in which it is stated that the Department of State is agreeable to extending the provisions of the memorandum agree- ment regulating the activities of the United States Fisheries Mission to Mexico, for a period of two years, that is to say, until October 23, 1946; which agreement was effected by the exchange of the United States Embassy's notes 138 of April 17 and 269 of May 22, 1942, with their respective memoranda, and note No. 58807 of October 24, 1942, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In reply, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the honor to inform the Embassy of the United States of America that the Government of Mexico also is agreeable to extending the memorandum agreement such as it was effected by the aforesaid exchange of notes, and accepts the amendment proposed by the United States Government in con- nection with paragraph 1 of the memorandum which was attached to note 138 of April 17, the said paragraph to read as follows: "The Fish and Wildlife Service will assign to Mexico Mr. Milton J. Lindner, an aquatic biologist of its Division of Fish Biology, who is already known to the Mexican authorities, to assist in planning and directing the proposed studies; his services to be rendered on a full-time basis, with the exception of possible assignments of nominal length only outside of Mexico." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs duly noted that the obligation thus assumed is subject to the availability of appropriated funds after June 30, 1945 and subsequent fiscal years in the United States of America. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the United States of America the assurances of its highest and most distinguished consideration. MEXIco, D.F ., October 18, 1944.