Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/449

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58STAT.] GUATEALA-EXCHANGE OF PUBLICATIONS-Apr. 1944 1369 8-No se entendera que este convenio modifique ningfn arreglo relativo a canje de publicaciones oficiales en vigor entre un Departa- mento u otra Dependencia gubernativa de cualquiera de ambos Gobier- nos y otro Departamento u Dependencia del otro Gobierno. El Gobierno de Guatemala esta de acuerdo en que esta nota y la muy atenta de Vuestra Excelencia, ntmero 109, del dia 23 de marzo iltimo, con las listas anexas, constituyan el convenio para intercambio de publicaciones oficiales entre Guatemala y los Estados Unidos; y, asimismo, en que dicho convenio se considere en vigor, a partir del 23 de marzo de 1944. Aprovecho la oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Excelencia los sentimientos de mi mas alta y distinguida consideraci6n, CARLOS SALAZAR Excelentisimo Sefior BOAZ LONG, Embajador Extraordinarioy Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos. Oiudad. Translation by the Department of State of the Foregoing Note MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA DIPLOMATIC SECTION No. 4819 342-P (73-0) GUATEMALA, April S1,1944. MR. AMBASSADOR: I have had the honor of receiving Your Excellency's kind note, number 109, dated March 23 last, in which you are good enough to communicate to me that the United States Government is agreeable to effecting an exchange of official publications with the Government of Guatemala. It gives me pleasure to inform Your Excellency that the Govern- ment of Guatemala agrees hereby that the said exchange of publica- tions shall be effected, in accordance with the following clauses: 1. The offices charged with the transmission of the official exchange publications shall be, on the part of Guatemala, the Tipografia Nacional, and on the part of the United States, the Smithsonian Institution. 2. The publications exchanged shall be received on behalf of the Republic of Guatemala by the Biblioteca Nacional de Gaatemala; and on behalf of the United States by the Library of Congress. 3. The Government of the Republic of Guatemala shall furnish regularly to the Government of the United States one copy of each of the official publications enumerated in the annex entitled "List II" P 37 and the Government of the United States shall furnish regularly to the Government of the Republic of Guatemala one copy of each of the official publications enumerated in the annex entitled "List I".