Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/466

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56 STAT.] PANAMA-DETAIL OF MILITARY OFFICER-JULY 7, 1942 with the rank he holds in the United States Army, and shall wear the uniform of his rank in the United States Army. ARTICLE 8. The officer shall be governed by the disciplinary reg- ulations of the United States Army. ARTICLE 9. The officer shall be responsible directly and solely to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Panama. ARTICLE 10. During the period this officer is detailed under this Agreement or any extension there- of, the Government of the Re- public of Panama shall not engage the services of any personnel of any other foreign government for the duties and purposes contem- plated by this Agreement. ARTICLE 11. This officer shall not divulge nor by any means dis- close to any foreign government or to any person whatsoever any secret or confidential matter of which he may become cognizant as a natural consequence of his functions, or in any other way, it being understood that this req- uisite honorably continues even after the expiration or cancelation of the present Agreement or ex- tension thereof. ARTICLE 12. Throughout this Agreement the term "family" of the officer is limited to mean wife and dependent children. ARTICLE 13. The officer shall be entitled to one month's annual leave with pay, or to a propor- tional part thereof with pay for blica de PanamA con el mismo grado que tiene en el Ej6rcito de los Estados Unidos y llevara el uniforme correspondiente a su grado en el Ej6rcito de los Estados Unidos. ARTfCULO 8. El oficial se re- gira por los reglamentos disci- plinarios del Ejercito de los Es- tados Unidos. ARTfCULO 9. El oficial sera sola y directamente responsable ante el Ministro de Relaciones Ex- teriores de la Repdblica de Pana- ma. ARTfCULO 10. Durante el pe- riodo en que este oficial preste servicios conforme a los t6rminos de este Acuerdo o cualquiera pr6rroga del mismo, el Gobierno de la Republica de Panama no contratara los servicios del per- sonal de ningdn otro gobierno extranjero para los servicios y prop6sitos de que trata este Acuer- do. ARTfCULO 11. El oficial no divulgara, ni por ningdn medio revelari a gobierno extranjero alguno, o a persona alguna, nin- gun secreto ni asunto confidencial que puedan llegar a su conoci- miento, ya sea como consecuen- cia natural de sus funciones o en cualquiera otra forma, entendien- dose que continuara respetfndose este requisito aun despues de la expiraci6n o cancelaci6n del pre- sente Acuerdo o cualquier pr6rro- ga del mismo. ARTfCULO 12. En todo este Acuerdo se entenderS que el ter- mino "familia" del oficial s6lo abarca a la esposa y a los hijos no emancipados. ARTfCULO 13. El oficial tendri derecho anualmente a un mes de licencia con goce de sueldo, o a una parte proporcional de dicha Disciplinary regula- tions. Responsibility. Employment ofper- sonnel of other foreign governments, restric- tion. Secrecy require- ment. "Family" con- strued. Annual leave. 1547