Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/465

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. necessary as may mutually be agreed upon by the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Re- public of Panama. Effective date of ARTICLE 3. This Agreement agreement; duration. shall come into force on the date of signature and shall continue in force for a period of one year, unless previously terminated as hereinafter stipulated. Extension. ARTICLE 4. If the Government of the Republic of Panama should desire that the services of the officer be extended beyond the period stipulated in Article 3, it shall make a written proposal to that effect six months before the expiration of this Agreement. Termination ARTICLE 5. This Agreement may be terminated before the ex- piration of the period of one year prescribed in Article 3, or before the expiration of the extension au- thorized in Article 4, in the follow- ing manner: (a) By either of the Govern- ments, subject to three months' written notice to the other Gov- ernment; (b) By the recall of the officer by the Government of the United States of America in the public interest of the United States of America, without necessity of com- pliance with provision (a) of this Article. necesario, segun se disponga por mutuo acuerdo entre el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobierno de la Republica de Panama. ARTfCULO 3. Este Acuerdo en- trara en vigor en la fecha de su firma y continuara en vigencia por un periodo de un afio, a menos que sea terminado antes en la forma que se establece mas ade- lante. ARTfCULO 4. Si el Gobierno de la Repdblica de Panama deseare que los servicios del oficial fueren prorrogados mas alla del periodo estipulado en el Articulo 3, har., una propuesta por escrito con este objeto seis meses antes de la expiraci6n de este Acuerdo. ARTfCULO 5. Este Acuerdo po- dra terminarse antes de la expira- ci6n del periodo de un afo pres- crito en elArticulo 3, o antes do la expiraci6n de la pr6rroga autori- zada en el Articulo 4, de la ma- nera siguiente: (a) Por cualquiera de los dos Gobiernos mediante aviso por escrito al otro Gobierno con tres meses de anticipaci6n; (b) Al retirar el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America al oficial en raz6n de inter6s publico de los Estados Unidos de America, - sin necesidad de cumplir con el inciso (a) de este Artfculo. ARTICLE 6. Should the officer become unable to perform his duties by reason of continued physical disability, he shall be re- placed. TITLE II Requisites and Conditions Rank and uniform. ARTICLE 7. The officer shall ARTfCULO 6. El oficial sere re- emplazado si quedare inhabilitado para desempefiar sus servicios por raz6n de incapacidad fisica pro- longada. TITULO n Requisitos y Condiciones ARTfCULO 7. El oficial desem- serve in the Republic of Panama peiara sus funciones en la Rep4- Replacement in case of disability 1546